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We get to her diner and her grandmother looks very surprised

"Wow Daniel you must be special. I've never seen someone get Kayleigh mad and in the same day make up with her. It's taken me two weeks at least"

"Grandma stop"

"I'm just saying you're a hard girl to apologize to"

"Whatever just leave us alone"

"Don't be so mad I'm just telling the truth"

We go to a table and sit across from each other

"Thank you for accepting my apology" I tell her

"Of course. I really like you Daniel. You're different than anyone I know. I don't know many guys who are capable of taking care of themselves let alone a whole child"

"I really like you too. And I know for a fact Rae is obsessed with you. She really needs a female role model in her life"

"Id love to be that for her."

"Can we start again. Like completely new. Forget what happened this morning and move on"

"Id like that."

"Good. So new topic. How'd you meet Jonah"

"In kindergarten he was the first person I ever talked to and we became best friends. And then in 7th grade he was having a tough time with people bullying him and he cried to me and we kissed and things happened and we decided being more than friends seemed right. And we dated for two years and then he went to one high school and I went to another and we only lasted till sophomore year because he got famous and we had no time to talk to each other"

"Oh wow that's funny because he always told me and the band that he had this ex girlfriend that he liked so much better then his new one. I didn't know it was you"

"Yeah i hope I was better than that new one. She always would text me really mean things trying to make me jealous of their relationship"

"Well if it makes you feel better we all hated her"

"That surprisingly does make me feel better. So why did the band stop or break up or whatever"

"So we did break up and it's because I had Rae"

"Oh well to me Rae is much better than a band."

"Sometimes. You've only seen her good parts. You still need to hear her scream. She can really burst an eardrum"

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now