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"What is it Kayleigh. Is it a yes please tell me it's a yes" Daniel squeals as I get in the bathroom

"Babe I just shut the door"


I laugh and take the most important test of my life

We came back from our month long honeymoon three weeks ago and I've been getting sick a lot

I told Daniel and he figured it was one of the hundreds of times we had sex

He bought me a pregnancy test and now I'm taking it while Rae is at school

The timer on my phone goes off saying it's time to check and I'm nervous

"Did you check it yet" Daniel calls from the other side of the door

"no im scared"


"I don't know"

"Hey let me in" he kindly says

I open the door for him and he walks in

He grabs both of my hands and looks into my eyes

"There is nothing to be scared about. If you are pregnant you are pregnant and we get a little baby. If you're not pregnant we try again and enjoy our time with Rae okay"

I nod and he kisses me gently

"No matter what this test says I love you"

"I love you too" I whisper

"Let's look together"

We flip the test around and cover each other's eyes so we don't see it

"3..." He starts

"2..." I say after

"1..." we say at the same time opening our eyes



"DANI IM PREGNANT" I shriek jumping in his arms

"Yes baby you are" he laughs catching me and spinning me around

He puts me down and I catch my breath

"We're having a baby. Oh my god I have a baby in me"

"Well not yet"

"Still. Wow it's really happening. Are you excited" I ask hopeful

"Oh my god are you kidding me of course I am. I'm having a baby with the love of my life"

"We have to tell everyone. Come on Dani we're picking up Rae" I grab his hand and lead him out of the bathroom to the front door

"Babe you're kinda missing something" he says looking down at me

"Oh yeah I should get dressed"

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now