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Daniels POV

"daddy my ears hurtin" ryland tells me while we take off on the plane

we just got on the airplane to go to europe and we're on our way to our first stop england

i'm sitting next to Ryland and he's being surprisingly good

"i know baby it's just for now once we're high enough they'll be fine"

"okay daddy. can you hold my hand"

"of course" i grab his small hand and smile at it, i missed holding baby hands they're so tiny and soft and cute

i kiss his hand and he giggles

"that tickle daddy"

"oh i'm sorry"

"it's okay i still love you. once we're up there can you hold me"

"of course, but why?"

"i don't know i just miss my daddy"

"awww Ryland you're so cute"
we finally get in the sky and i'm holding ryland on my lap while he looks out the window


"yes buddy clouds"

"the sky's so pretty" he tells me laying his head on my chest

i kiss his head and he grabs my hand

"i love you Ryland"

"i love more daddy. i tired i gonna nap on you okay"

"okay baby"

he lays his head on my chest and grabs my hand

five minutes go by and he's fast asleep

i look over to Kayleigh and she's staring at us

"cuties" she mouths smiling

"come over here" i mouth back


"she's fine"

she looks at rae who is staring out the window and then comes over

she sits next to me and grabs my hand

"watching my baby boys interact makes my heart warm"

"aw... can i be honest with you"

"of course"

"well when i first found out you were pregnant with him i was excited right and then we went to get the first ultrasound and saw he was a boy i wasn't as excited because i figured it would be just like rae. so the whole pregnancy i was like well it's just going to be like my first kid what's going to be different so i wasn't really that excited. but then when he came out and you were just holding him and and staring down at him and smiling i knew it was going to be very different. with my ex when rae came out she didn't even smile but with you, you had the biggest brightest smile and it was so beautiful. anyways what i'm saying is after being a parent with you i think i'm a better dad and person so thank you"

"hey you did a lot of the work too. i mean you did have to have sex with me and your sperm had to be fast."

"where do you come up with these things babe"

"it's true right. and you made some very nice swimmers"

"yeah i did. anyways i can't wait til we arrive."

"me too but it's going to be late though"

"my point i can't wait to sleep. i am exhausted"

we laugh and he yawns

"awwww lay on my shoulder" i tell him


"cause you're tired now do it"


"i love you daniel and i'm so happy we met. before i met you i had no one but my grandparents. but now i have a whole family and i'm so happy"

"i love you more"

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now