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That was the absolute cutest thing I have ever listened to ever

Asides from Daniels proposal of course

Anyways yes I was eavesdropping on them isn't it obvious

But I mean it is only because Daniel made me

I promise I'm not creepy

Okay that's a lie but whatever

Not that I'm creepy but- you get it never mind

Still, they are so cute

I mean "do you know how to kiss" that was adorable

Ugh I love young love

Suddenly I hear kissing

Omg omg OMG it's happening

I run downstairs and shriek hugging Daniel

"Omg omg omg!" I say jumping up and down in his arms

"Woah babe calm down is everything okay"

"Yes! Everything is amazing. Your daughter, my daughter, OUR daughter, is having her very first kiss! It's so amazing"

"Oh that is so not happening"

He starts to walk upstairs but I grab his arm and pull him back to me

"No! Let it happen, Dani, please it's so cute"

"Ugh fine"


Eventually, people start coming in and I have to get Rae from her room

"Okay im coming in if either of you is naked please put on clothes"

I cover my eyes and walk in

"Um Mom we are definitely not naked"

"Okay good"

I uncover my eyes and smile

They are laying on her bed watching a movie and her head is on his shoulder as his arm is around her waist

"Aw, you guys are adorable. Anyways, the rest of your friends are here so you guys should stop being a cute couple and interact with them"

"We aren't a couple Mrs. Seavey," Jace says

"Yeah well you will be one day so" I shrug and walk back downstairs

"Are they coming down?" Daniel asks me

"Yup after they stop cuddling"


"Just kidding!"

He shakes his head and they finally come downstairs

Daniel immediately walks up to her and starts examining her neck

"Daniel!" I yell pulling him away from her

"Sorry I was just making sure he didn't mark my daughter's precious neck"

"Oh my god Kayleigh control your husband please he's embarrassing me"

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now