17. The Morning After

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               That morning I woke not knowing where I was. It took me a minute before I was able to remember the night before. I sat up slowly, looked over at Perrie, then sighed and rubbed my head. 'What was I thinking?' I thought to myself as I sat there. I should never should of even gone into that bathroom. My cheeks got hot as I started thinking of what had happened in that bathroom. A slight smirk arose on my face. Ugh, no. No. I can't do this with her. But, why can't I? I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. All I do know is that I really like her. I slowly clamber out of bed, rubbing my head as I walk into the washroom. 

               I stare into my eyes, thinking, as I brush my teeth. Why? Why did I really go in there? I could of waited. Or just left it alone. I initiated this whole damn mess. Once I spit out the paste, I wiped my mouth and left the washroom. Though, there stood Perrie. Smiling at me as she made no effort to avoid grazing my leg with her hand as she took my place in the small room. I just stood there, not moving, as she calmly shut the door behind me. I heard the water turn on and what sounded like the brushing of teeth. Slowly, I made my way back to my bed. I began gathering my books as I heard the washroom door open again. And there I saw it, the mark I had left on her. Clear as day. Right under her jawline. That too made me think of her pinning me against that bathroom wall and kissing me hard. I avoided eye contact. She can always tell when i'm flustered. I could feel her smiling as she walked back to her bed. 

               She then had the audacity to begin changing. Right in front of me. Who does that? I could feel my stomach turn as she slowly pulled her shorts down. I tried not to look. But it was like I was frozen. Not knowing what else to do, but look at her as she teased me. As she pulled her tight top over her head and shook her hair. My heart is beating so fast, you'd think I had just run a marathon. Grabbing her clothes for the day, she glanced over at me with a smirk on her face which snapped me back to reality. I quickly turned to my stack of books that I was supposed to be shoving into my bag. I threw them in, now, with a bit of frustration.

                It was clear Perrie is not as confused about our situation as I am. God, why does she do this? I had clearly proven no points last night. She is wearing that hickey with pride. Screw it. I know she's just gonna jump me in the bathroom if I try and change. I'll just wear this again. And maybe a hoodie for the hickey? Yeah, that'll have to do. I slipped the hoodie over my head and put my hair up in a knot. 

"Class doesn't start for another hour. You scared of me or somethin'?" Perrie grinned as I threw my bag over my head.

"Just trying to get a head-start, ya know?" I add, trying to leave. Of course it's not that easy though. She grabs the strap of my bag and pulls me into her. I stop breathing as she just barely grazes my lips with hers. I feel my heart begin to race again. I want to stop her, but I can't. Slowly, we start to kiss. My hands fall to her hips. I can think of nothing but her in this moment. I can't stop myself from kissing her faster and pushing her backwards. I stop only for a second to throw my bag off of me. As she falls back onto her bed, I place my hands on either sides of her and go into a kiss again. She pulls off my hoodie. My hand goes up her shirt without any consent from me. It was as if I had no control over my body. It was doing everything on it's own. She pulls the band from my hair and I go straight to her neck and begin kissing. She can no longer contain her moans. It only makes me pick up pace. I feel her hands pull me back up to her mouth as she pulls me in for a kiss. Then, she stops. She sits up, not breaking eye contact with me, and moves back against the wall behind her, breathing heavily. Yet, she still has this look of yearning on her face. I grab her legs and pull her back towards me. Passionately kissing her and refusing to slow down. She was louder than ever. I very slowly drag one hand over between her legs and her head moves up. And I can see her chest moving up and down rapidly. Laying my arm over her body, I whisper into her ear "I could do so many things to you right now." I pull away "But I have to get to class." I stand up, off the bed. I really have no idea what has come over me. I grab my bag and hoodie. I give her one last look before I leave the room. She looked shocked, unsatisfied,  like exactly how she had made me feel so many times before. I had this sort of weird satisfactory grin on my face as I continued down the hall.


                                       *5,000 years later*

               Ok, I know. It's been almost two years and you guys have moved on. But, I came back here recently and it just felt incomplete. There probably won't be more than one, maybe two, more chapters. But, I will be fixing the ending of this story. or at least trying.


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