8. Are you sure?

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Jade's POV

               I didn't know what to do, Perrie had just kissed me and to make it worse Leigh and Jesy just caught us. "Umm, Perrie? What was that about?"

                "I know right! They could've knocked!"

                "No, I mean why did you kiss me?" I looked at Perrie as her face suddenly became very sad.

               "What do you mean?"

               "Perrie, i'm straight." I said to her as I backed up against the headboard of the bed trying to sit up.

               "If you're straight then why did you kiss back!?" I could tell Perrie was getting mad.

               "I didn't, you just up and kissed me without any warning and then they walked in." Perrie stood after me saying that now becoming more upset. 

               "Stop making up excuses! Just because you think you don't like girls doesn't mean it's true!"

               "You don't know anything about me!" I then stood furious at the fact what she had said. I then headed towards the door slamming it shut behind me. I walked over to Leigh and Jesy's room opening it to see them both on Jesy's bed leaning their heads against the wall trying to hear what was happening in my dorm. "What are you doing!?" I yelled at them as they both leapt from the bed standing up looking at me gulping.

               "Jeez! Why don't you knock!?" Jesy had the nerve to yell that at me.

               "Me! You two could not have barged in at a worse time just a minute ago!" I yelled shutting their door. I sat down on Leigh's bed sighing with anger.

                "Yeah sorry about that." Leigh-anne said sitting next to me.

                "I don't want to make you mad or anything right now cause you just got in a fight with Pez, but most straight girls dont make out with other girls. Well when they're sober." Jesy said looking at me raising her eyebrow setting her hand on shoulder.

               "Look Perrie is cute and all but i'm just not into girls like that okay!"

               "Are you sure? Cause based on what I just witnessed a minute ago I could beg to differ." Leigh-anne said letting out a chuckle. 

              "Can i just stay here tonight? I'll sleep on the floor I just don't want to go back there right now okay." I said standing up from the bed.

               "Of course." Jesy said handing me a pillow and some blankets.

               I woke the next morning with a small pain in my neck from sleeping on the floor. I checked the time on my phone. I have to be to class in less than an hour, why didn't I set an alarm? I stood up and picked up the blankets shaking them out and set them on the end of Jesy's bed as I slowly walked out the door. The door for mine and Perrie's dorm was very loud so I tried being as quiet as possible while I opened it, but once I walked through the door I didn't see her. It's only like 10 why is Perrie up? Then I heard the bathroom door open and there she was, when she saw me she tightened her towel. "What are you doing up so early? You normally sleep in till like noon, heh." I tried to make the situation a little less tense by letting out a chuckle but it didn't work.

               "I have class at 11 on Fridays." Perrie said not making any eye contact with me clearly still upset about what I said. She began brushing her hair kind of aggressively while trying to show her anger towards me. 

               "I'm sorry if I made you mad okay, but i'm just not THAT kind of person." I said standing in front of Perrie as she sent her hairbrush down annoyed.

               "What do you mean THAT kind of person?"

               "Gay" I said kind of whispering looking in the other direction.

               "See Jade that's what's wrong with you! You think being gay is like being some different person! You are still you, you're just with someone else!" Perrie was now very intensely looking at me in the eyes.

               "I never said being gay was wrong or anything!" I didn't like her accusing me of something I didn't say. Just like I never told whether I liked her or not so she had no right to kiss me then. "And I also never said if I liked you so you should not have kissed me!"

               "Why not!? That's how you normally find out if someone likes you."

               "Well now you know that I don't, so you don't have to kiss me anymore." I said as I gulped accidentally looking down at her lips.

               "Well what does it matter if I kiss you if you don't like girls anyway?" Perrie said stepping closer to me making me catch my breath and look at her lips again. She bit her lip grabbing my waist pulling me even closer. Very slowly her lips touched mine, my hand trailed down her arm making her deepen the kiss. Her tongue very gently touched my bottom lip causing me to let out a small moan, her hand stretched across my back lifting up my shirt.

               "Perruhhh Perrie, Perrie!" I struggled to say stopping her. I pulled back breathing heavily. "I have class at 11 and so do you, I should get ready okay." I said looking to my side.

               "Yeah, okay." She said grabbing her clothes from her bed walking back into the bathroom. I walked over to my bed exhaling deeply as I began getting ready for class. 

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