12. Phone call

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               Almost two hours later Jade got back from the restaurant. I was now lying on my stomach, I turned to Jade as I heard her keys get set down on the desk beside me. Before I returned my attention to my phone, I stayed in eye contact with her for a good second. I simply bit my lip as I looked to see it was now almost 6. Jade quickly turned towards her bed taking her jacket off.

               "So, what'd you do while I was away?" She asked, placing her jacket on the very neat bed.

               "Just been on my phone." I stated as I ran my fingers through my hair. Jade didn't respond, she simply looked over at me then back at the floor.

Jade's POV

               Why was Perrie doing what she was doing? I don't really know what it is that she is doing but she is doing something. I also couldn't help but notice the skirt she was wearing was very short and different from the one she was wearing before I left.

               "Change skirts?" 

               Perrie slightly smiled before answering, "Yeah this just seemed more comfortable." As saying that one leg rubbed against the other, leaving me to quickly turn to the side trying not to look at her. I then heard my phone ring from beside me, I picked it up answering after seeing it was someone from my 3rd period. 

                "Hey Amber, yeah know i'm free to talk." I stood up walking to the end of my side of the room facing the wall. In the midst of talking I felt a hand go up my shirt and someone began kissing my neck. I gasped as they continued, "Yeah uhh yeah no, I understand Amber." I tried wrapping up the conversation before I inhaled deeply feeling shivers down my spine from the hand on my stomach.  I tried containing a moan from escaping my mouth as she began sucking on my neck. Before I could end my conversation she pulled away. Turning around still holding the phone to my ear, I see Perrie slowly crawling back onto her bed. She then gave me a small smirk. "Alright, I'll see you on Monday." I hung up the phone and gulped not knowing what to say, so I just walked back to my bed not looking at her.

               Seeing it's now seven thanks to the alarm clock on the desk in the midst of our two beds, I sat up and walked to the bookshelf full of movies. I selected one and inserted it into the TV, but Perrie didn't seem to take any interest in it, I wanted to get her attention without asking for it, because she certainly has captured mine. I pulled the covers over my body while looking over at Perrie who was now laying on her back with her legs crossed upright. Except she was no longer on her phone, she was looking at the TV.

               When the credits began to roll I sat up to shut the TV off. Looking over at Perrie I noticed she had fallen asleep, you can't watch one movie with her without her falling asleep. Still confused about what all happened I fell back down onto my bed sighing. I know that until I just talk to Perrie she is gonna keep doing this. Waking up the next morning I yawned, looking over to see an empty bed beside me. What was I going to say to Perrie? I don't know how I really feel right now, but I also want to be able take a phone call.

               "Hey, i'll be gone for a little while." Perrie suddenly came out from nowhere. 

               "Oh, okay. Where ya going at 11 in the morning on a Sunday?" I asked kind of laughing trying not to sound like I was prying.

               "I have a test tomorrow, so Jack and I are gonna study. See ya later." She grabbed her bag smiling at me and heading out the door. I didn't let her see me frown, but the second she left the room I just sighed even more. Perrie is really trying to fuck with my head.

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