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Katyas pov:
It was a really nice day outside, the sun was shining and it felt warm on my skin, the birds were singing and the flowers were in full bloom. I wanted to stay out here forever just enjoying the moment while I could, but that's not possible for me.

"Alright your outside time is over kitty kat, lets go back inside" I groaned looking over at my favorite nurse. God damn I love her to death but I just wanted to stay outside more.

"Not even five more minutes? Cmon I barely come out here brenda!" I pouted giving her my best puppy dog face, yet she knows my tricks.

"You've been out here for almost an hour, cmon now" I sighed in defeat and followed her in sadly. I hated being inside, it's no fun since I can't really do anything but stay in bed, eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom. So whenever I get the chance to go out I'll take it.

"I don't see the problem with staying outside longer, not like I was dying or anything." I mumbled going back into my room. Brenda rolled her eyes at me as she followed me in. Before you ask yes that's her name, I love her for it and she's amazing thank you.

"Kat I wish I could but I have to follow to rules, and plus what if your lungs gave out again? Don't wanna have that do we" I groaned more and fell back on my bed crossing my arms. She's right even though I don't want her to be.

The reason she said that is a long time ago while I was messing around with my friends at gym, doing the splits and being flexible cause I like to show off a bit, as I was about to flip right into a split, in the middle of my flip all of a sudden my lungs gave out and I went crashing to the floor and before ya know it I was out like a light.

I can't remember what exactly is wrong with me but I did some fucked it shit and now I'm stuck in the hospital for who knows how long. Luckily my friends do visit me but I really miss being at home. What sucks the most is that they've tried everything to fix me but the only option at this point is a transplant, and it's gonna take forever to find someone to donate one so fuck me.

"I wanna go home...pleaseeeee" I whined shoving my face into my pillow. My friends and family tried to make everything more at home with my blankets and such, but it's really not the same.

"I know I know, but if your so bored most of the time you can go out and find friends! I'm sure they would love to have someone to talk to, plus you might have more outside time" I perked up when I heard the last part, friends equals more outside time?? Hell yeah!

"I doubt anyone wants to be friends with me though. I'm too crazy for them and we all know that my other friends can only keep up with me" I pouted realizing it and shoved my face back into my pillow.

"Listen, I'm sure you can make really good friends here...they'll understand what your going through and would love to have a friend to support them..." I felt her hand softly rub my back as I lifted my face up again.

"Fine...might as well...your gonna take me to craft time aren't you." I said in a monotone voice as she smiled. I don't know why but Brenda loves craft time and I despise it. I make stupid little things out of paper and such and I know I'm not gonna keep it. And before I knew it I was being dragged down the hall and into the little area that had tables with glue and all that craft shit.

"It'll be fun! Maybe make a card and find someone that looks interesting to be your friend!" She said with enthusiasm.

Great. May I add I'm in high school by the way, so you can imagine how embarrassing this is for me right now. I mumbled curse words under my breath as I started doodling on a piece of paper. It wasn't much really, I just like drawing myself in these really cool outfits with some kind of Russian memorabilia on it. And sometimes my friend Violet will turn them into reality for me.

But right now all I want is to go home and be with my true friends so I can be happy again. And I very much doubt that anyone would wanna be friends with me...

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