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bambam didn't even think about why jinyoung and youngjae were in yugyeom's room when he walked in.

"bam, what's wrong?" yugyeom asked when bambam fell face first onto his bed.

"i miss mark but i'm scared."

"me and jae will go get food and you guys can talk." jinyoung and youngjae left so bambam could talk to yugyeom without them there.

"what's wrong, bammie?" yugyeom rubbed bambam's back when he started to cry.

"i'm scared to get close to mark and i'm making everything awkward and i hate it. but i don't know what to do because i really love him but i'm so scared. i had to try to forget about him and now i'm scared incase it ever happens again."

bambam sat up so he could wipe his eyes and sniffle. "i love mark so much and it's so scary."

"but won't it be worse to know you're in the same place and not together?"

"why were jinyoung and youngjae here?" bambam changed the subject suddenly, avoiding his own feelings.

"we're dating now."


"i'm dating both of them."

"oh, okay." bambam digressed and nodded. yugyeom knew bambam wasn't judgmental so he wasn't afraid to tell him.

"what did you do at mark's?"

"helped him paint his new house. it's nice and i had fun but it got awkward a few times and it makes me sad. i don't know what he thinks. he let me sleep in his bed and he slept on the couch."

"you guys just stared at each other the other day. he probably doesn't know how you feel either."

bambam disliked yugyeom's logic so he ended the conversation. "what's it like having two boyfriends?"

"i love it. they're both really sweet and-" yugyeom was cut off my bambam.

"have you had sex? how do you do it?"

"we don't all three have sex together but they both top me," yugyeom shyly admitted as if he hadn't been asking bambam the same types of questions when he and mark started dating.

suddenly, bambam spoke up again, "i think i'll get see mark tomorrow or at least soon."

yugyeom nodded and told him it was a good idea.

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