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mark walked into school, a blue slushie in his hand and his backpack falling off his left shoulder.

"jinyoung," he started, leaning against said friend's locker. jinyoung handed mark their math homework without any word's exchanged. "thanks."

"what's up with the band-aids?" jinyoung asked, looking at mark's arms, each with one or two hello kitty band-aids.

"i fell a few times yesterday." jinyoung was sure mark didn't own nor would he put them on his visible arms but he didn't say anything else.

"see ya later." mark turned around to walk to his class since he had gotten in trouble for not showing up to class for a week straight.

in class, he copied the homework so he could give jinyoung's his worksheet back. it wasn't hard since jinyoung had really nice handwriting. he made sure to do some problems wrong so his teacher didn't expect too much from him.

to thank jinyoung, during mark's study hall he went down to wendy's and bought him some food that he took with him to math class.

"stop giving me food all the time. i'm going to get fat," jinyoung claimed but grabbed the food from mark anyway along with his worksheet.

mark had also another blue slushie. he sometimes wondered how he wasn't dead yet after nearly four years of drinking blue slushies almost everyday. his friends were ready for his funeral any day.

after school, the four ended up at the park to play basketball. mark and jinyoung against jaebum and youngjae. they didn't keep track of points as they played because one of them would cheat anyway.

jaebum sat on the bench, grabbing a cigarette from his backpack. he offered one to mark who just shook his head and shot the basketball in his hands.

mark didn't smoke much but he would usually smoke with jaebum if he offered. but jaebum just shrugged it off and lit his own.

they played a game of 'horse' before mark got up and suddenly said he had to leave. he offered to take youngjae home but both jinyoung and jaebum said one of them would.

"he's dating someone," jinyoung said as he pulled his bookbag next to him and pulled out a notebook.

"he's probably just hooking up. he'd tell us if he was dating someone." it wasn't unusual for mark and jaebum to hook up with random people and not necessarily tell their friends because it wasn't important.

"but the hello kitty band-aids? and he usually takes a cigarette from bum. i mean, i don't know, i just feel like he's hiding whoever he's dating." jinyoung shrugged and started writing in his notbook.

jaebum and youngjae kept playing, occasionally spewing theories about what mark could be hiding. the theories got more ridiculous and turned into obvious jokes as they kept going.

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