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mark turned to look at his bedroom door as it opened slowly. bambam peaked into the bedroom before stepping in.

"hey, morkie." bambam sat on the bed and handed mark the blue slushie he brought.

mark put it down and opened his arms for bambam to crawl into. "you leave tomorrow, does that mean we should finally talk about what we're doing with our relationship?"

bambam nodded, leaning back so he could rest in mark's lap with his back against mark's chest.

"do you... do you think we should break up? i just- i don't want to hold you back while i'm in thailand. and i don't know how much we'd be able to talk with the time difference and my family doesn't have much money and can't afford such long distant calls."

"i really don't want to break up. i love you a lot but i guess since it will be hard if we try to stay together. as long as we're still together until you land in thailand because i'll need you to call me when you get there so i know you're safe that i can tell you that i love you."

bambam nodded. he tried to speak but his voice cracked too much so he stopped and just nodded some more.

"i love you, mork. i'm sorry. i really don't want to go." bambam turned around and ended up shoving his face into mark's tummy. "i don't want to leave you!"

mark couldn't comfort bambam because he was just as upset as him. so they just hugged and cried together.

bambam didn't take his clothes that he kept at mark's. he left them there but he did take one of mark's shirts because he was sure he wouldn't be able to handle not having any part of mark in thailand with him.

"i love you, so much. please call me when you land so i know you're there and safe." mark's grip on bambam's shoulders were tight before he turned it into a hug. "i love you, my little pig."

bambam sniffled and nodded, not speaking until he was out of the hug. "i love you. a lot. the first i'll do is call you, i promise."

they shared their last kiss before bambam got out of mark's car. it was nearly midnight and bambam had to leave for the airport around three in the morning.

"you're so beautiful i don't think it's fair that you're being taken from me."

it was five in the morning on saturday when mark's phone started ringing. but he answered it.

"hello?" it was a random number but bambam would be calling from a pay phone in thailand.

"hi, morkie."

"oh my fucking god, bammie. i've never been happier to hear your voice."

"sorry it's so late there. or early i guess. but i just landed and i really need to tell you how much i love you because i don't know how hard it's going to be to not talk to you anymore but i know it will be hard."

"it's going to be okay."

"i don't know why i liked you so much when we first met because we're really different but i was just drawn to you and i never want to spend a day without you. i hate the thought of not seeing you everyday and i didn't think it would happen. and it might sound dumb but i think we're meant to be together."

"we are. and we will be again. once you come back we can be together."

bambam spoke something in thai, sounding frantic and like he was crying. "i have to go, morkie, i love you so much."

mark snuck in one more 'i love you' before the phone was hung up. and suddenly, he was alone on his bed, crying.

bambam cried as his mom dragged him out of the airport. she had told him that his aunt was outside and they couldn't stay inside any longer.

"i need mork, i need him!" bambam cling onto his mom when he realized he couldn't go back to the phone. "i don't want to be here!"

here we are. idk why i'm like this but i apologize for my actions
also if you haven't caught on, i love the way bambam says mark's name so that's why i write "mork" when bambam says is

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