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I took Carson's hand gratefully as I attempted to get out of the car with balance and my dignity. It worked (barely).

I smoothed down my dress and turned to the mansion. All of a sudden, my palms began to sweat and my heart pounded in my ears. I tightened my grip on the clutch in my hand and Carson seemed to notice my rigidness.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked.

I sook my head. "Nothing, I'm all good."

Carson obviously didn't believe me from the way he gently grasped my arm and pulled me back towards him. I looked up into his eyes nervously, and he gave me a small smile. "I'll be right by your side the whole time. All we have to do is smile and answer meaningless questions from snobby jerks, okay?"

I looked down at my shoes. "Are you sure?"

He shrugged. "We'll make it fun. Remember the day at the museum? We made that fun."

I smiled at the memory. "Okay. Don't leave me hanging, Bennett."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Angel." He held out an arm to me and I looped my arm through his. We walked together up the steps and to a man at the front door who appeared to be a butler. "Hello, Winston."

"Good evening, Mr. Bennett. Have a lovely time," Winston said as he opened the door for us. Carson nodded in thanks and we stepped into the house. We walked around a corner and were suddenly in a huge room with marble floors and an intricate ceiling.

"Is this a ballroom?" I asked. There were at least a dozen round tables with seating for fifteen people each, and there was an expensive place setting for each spot. The centers of the tables were adorned with golden vases, each one overstuffed with white roses. Ladies in long gowns and fancy updos hung off the arms of stiff men in suits. And almost everyone was enjoying a glass of champagne.

"Yep. I know, it's a bit much." Carson's breath tickled my ear and I fought to control my blush. I decided to focus my attention on the string quintet in the far corner playing music as couples danced at that end of the room.

"Let's go find Grayson," I suggested.

"About that... Grayson couldn't come. He had a really exhausting chemo treatment this morning and I told him to stay home and rest."

I nodded in understanding and noticed how much Carson was concerned about Grayson. "That's probably a good idea."

"Carson." I turned to meet the scrutinizing blue eyes of a blonde woman that looked to be in her forties. She wore a long-sleeved navy blue gown that looked more valuable than my life, and held a glass of champagne like everyone else. "You came."

"Yeah," Carson replied. "Maya, this is Faith."

"Hi, I'm Maya Martin," I greeted, panicking internally. "This is a wonderful event."

"Thank you," she replied half-heartedly, scanning over my dress. She sipped her champagne. "That's a nice dress."

"Thanks. Yours is beautiful as well." I knew she gave me a compliment, but for some reason, it didn't feel like she meant to be nice.

"Sent to me by the designer himself before he officially released it. Don't you think your dress shows a bit too much skin?"

I was caught off guard but I responded, "No, I don't."

"Carson, why did you bring her?" Faith asked like I wasn't standing right in front of her. "Some random girl from the street... You should have brought Brooke Warner as your date! Oh, why don't you take Maya back to wherever you got her from and come back to meet Booke!"

I froze. "Brooke is here?" I asked, temporarily forgetting all the horrifically rude things Faith said.

"Yes, and she's much more fitted to being my son's date."

"Don't pretend I'm your son. And don't ever speak to Maya that way. She deserves more respect than you ever will," Carson snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his side. His eyes are swirling with dark brown as he and Faith stare each other down.

My heart swells at his words and I feel grateful for his support, but that's shattered when a familiar voice from behind me speaks.

"Maya Martin? What a fabulous surprise."


Oooh, who could it be??? What a mysteryyy.

I feel like I haven't updated in forever, so yikes sorry. I hope you're all doing well though!

Thanks for reading, vote and comment and all that jazz!

QOTD: What is your school's mascot? Mine is the Mavericks

See ya soon, mwah! xx


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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