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"Maya, are you done yet?"

I swear Amber was the most impatient person I've known in my life. And I'm comparing her to Noah. This was the fifth time in the last eight minutes she'd asked me the same question.

"Yes, I finally am," I told her, swiping the last bit of mascara onto her long lashes. I screwed the bottle shut and turned to see her inspecting her face.

"Hmm... Not bad! I've taught you well," she approved. She was wearing a black dress that ended around mid-thigh, paired with burgundy strappy heels and a small handbag the same color. I'd done some subtle eye makeup that made her green eyes stand out, and covered her lips in several coats of burgundy lipstick--there was a bit of a theme. Her hair was down and left in its natural big waves. To accent, she adorned a gold watch and a tiny gold necklace with a heart pendant.

I stepped back to admire my work. "I think you look beautiful. Don't get too attached to Luke--he might die of a heart attack when he sees you," I joked. "So where's he taking you?"

"He wouldn't tell me," she admitted, a blush starting to make it's way to her cheeks. "But he did tell me to dress nice."

"Well then, you're all good! Make sure you have everything with you."

She opened her bag and shuffled through it before taking a glance at the lock screen of her phone. "Oh no, Maya! It's seven-oh-four! What if he decided I'm not worth his time? Or just asked me out on a dare? Or a bet? Oh, what if--"

Ding, dong.

"Oh no, what if he's right on time?" I mocked her. She shoved me playfully as we exited her room into the upstairs hallway. I heard her as she went down the stairs, then opened the door and greeted Luke.

I waited for about two minutes before I trudged down the stairs while sending Amber a quick text. I'm heading home. Have fun! xx

She sent a simple but satisfying reply and I grabbed my sweatshirt to cover up my old shirt as I made my way out the front door. I locked it with the key hidden in the hanging flower pot and started jogging home.

It only took about four minutes, but when I got there, I wasn't ready for what I saw. Carson's car was in the driveway. I entered the room to see Noah and Carson. Noah was uncomfortable, but Carson didn't notice since he looked so worried.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Carson whipped his head around to see me and sighed. "Thank God. I need a ride to the hospital, like, right now."

I furrowed my brows in confusion but didn't push. "Yeah, okay. Let me get my keys," I said, already grabbing them from the front table. "Noah, tell dad I'll be home soon."

"Okay," he replied and plopped down on the couch to watch TV.

I scurried out the door and to my car, hopping in the driver's side. I jammed the seat belt into its buckle and turned the key, starting the engine with a light rumble.

Reversing out of the driveway, I quickly got onto the main street and drove towards the main hospital, pushing the speed limit just slightly.

Soon enough, we pulled into the parking lot and I swung into a space on my right. Carson toppled out and jogged to the main door. I decided to go with him to make sure everything was okay, so I locked the car and sprinted to catch up.

He was waiting in front of the elevator, and I jogged to catch up. He didn't say a word as we both stepped into the empty elevator. My mind kept racing with questions; What's wrong? Who's injured? Could there be something that he's hiding?

"You didn't have to come," Carson said, pulling me back to reality.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"It's not that, it's just..." The elevator door pinged open, saving him from finishing his sentence. He exited, and I followed again.

He seemed to know the halls well, as if he'd been here before a lot. I wasn't particularly familiar with this section of the hospital, though I couldn't say so for all the floors. We stopped outside a door and Carson opened it without a second thought.

There, lying pale and weak on the hospital bed, was Grayson.

I gasped involuntarily, my hands flying up to my mouth. Grayson slowly opened his eyes and looked our way. His hazel eyes widened as they took in my presence, and he turned his gaze to Carson. "You brought her?"

Carson looked guilty. "She gave me a ride; Clark took my license. You okay man? What happened?"

Grayson coughed, which sounded more like wheezing. "I'm fine. I got a... cold."

I looked back and forth between the two boys confusedly before deciding it wasn't my business. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly. Tears pricked my eyes. He looked so fragile, it reminded me so much of Sawyer.

His green eyes studied me. "We might as well tell her," he told Carson. He turned back and looked me straight in the eyes. "I have cancer."


No! :'( Poor Grayson.

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Thank you for reading! Mwah!xx


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