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{pic of Grayson/Cole because I couldn't help myself... carry on}

"So, Mr. Tegman, who was it that you wanted me to tutor?" I asked, standing in front of his desk as the last of the students exited the classroom for lunch. The last couple days had gone normally until Mr. Tegman asked me for a favor as I walked in his door.

"Right, well, we're getting a new student transferring from Landon High. I just want you to meet up with him a couple of times to make sure he's familiar with the material, if that's okay with you."

I didn't hesitate with my answer. "Sure, what's his name?"

"Grayson Sommers. He starts tomorrow, so you might meet with him after school or something."

"Will do. Have a good day," I said and gathered my things to go to lunch. I walked to my locker to replace the books I had with the ones I needed and headed to the loud, crammed cafeteria.

* * * * * *

"Class, this is our new student, Mr. Grayson Sommers. Why don't you have a seat next to Maya over there, and she'll explain to you everything you need to know," Mr. Tegman offered.

Grayson had sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. He was good-looking; you could especially tell by all the girls who kept their eyes trained on him or glared daggers at me.

I gave a little wave so he knew where to sit, and his eyes locked onto mine. He strode over and sat down in the seat to my right. "Hey, I really hope you're Maya."

I laughed quietly. "The one and only. So, did Mr. Tegman tell you that I'll be helping you, or..." His puzzled face gave away the answer clearly and I chuckled again. "Okay, well he wanted me to make sure you're all caught up, so do you want to meet up in the library after school?"

"I'll be there," he said with a wink, and I rolled my eyes. At least he was funny.

The rest of the day was ordinary. It passed in a slow blur of lectures and assignments. Finally, I was walking through the doors of the library. I scanned the tables that were in my line of sight, but Grayson didn't appear to be at any of them. I began to think he wasn't here yet when I remembered that there were tables in the very back corner of the library. From the front, nobody could see or hear much of that area.

I adjusted the strap of my backpack on my shoulder and trekked around shelves and displays full of colorful novels. I turned the corner around one of the shelves and immediately spotted Grayson sitting at one of the old wooden tables. His hazel-green eyes snapped up at the sound of her footsteps and his lips turned into an adorable grin. "Thought I'd have to call for a search party to find you."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing."

"Well, you know what they say. Great minds think alike."

I let out a laugh at his antics. An hour of knowing him and already I was anticipating his next words. "Grayson, we're here for the math."

"But why would you willingly do this after school hours?" he pouted.

"So you can graduate. Now hush and let's go to the first lesson. You're lucky you transferred at the beginning of the year; this shouldn't take too long." I heaved the seven hundred page textbook out of my backpack and onto the table, along with my notebook. I flipped to the first lesson in both and pointed to the title. "Okay, tell me what you know about--"


I looked up, and so did he. While my face was confused, his was in a grin. "Hey man!"

"Carson? What are you doing here?" I turned to Grayson. "You know Carson?"

"You know Maya?" Grayson and Carson asked simultaneously.

"Okay, so we all know each other then... I think. Carson, can we help you?"

"She's who you were talking about? She's the--" Carson asked.

"Yeah man. Is that bad, or..." Grayson not-so-subtly scooted away from me and I glared at him.

"No, I just didn't think it was her. Anyway, when will you be done? I have to talk to you about something."

"Wait," Grayson said as he hurriedly flipped through the pages of the textbook. "I got all this at Landon. Carsy, I'm all yours."

I laughed. "Carsy? That's a popular nickname you got there."

Carson smirked. "Yeah, that's what lots of girls call me when--"

Grayson's hand was slapped over his mouth. "Okay, I think that's enough. Look at her, man. She's so innocent." He removed his hand from over Carson's lips and continued. "Thanks for taking the time to do this, Maya, but I'm all good. We have to go, though, so I'll see you tomorrow in Calc!" he called as he began following after Carson.

"Yeah, yeah. Quit flirting, we have to go," Carson complained.The two disappeared around the ceiling-high bookshelves before I could ask what was happening.

I was left alone at the table, with my things strewn across it. I sighed and packed all my things away, heaving the bag over my shoulder once again.

I trudged through the library the way I came and out into the hallway. I fished my keys out of my coat pocket as I exited the front door of the building. The afternoon sun was beating down, so I was glad to get into my car and turn on the air conditioning. Shoving my bag into the passenger side--the one that smelled like Amber, apparently--I turned the keys to start the engine and reversed out of my parking space to start the drive home.


Yay! An update! Comment your thoughts because I love to read them, and also vote and share<3

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Well, thank y'all for reading...



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