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"Start again" I begged Lucy as she threw the sword to the ground.

"I cannot physically fight anymore." She groaned in defeats; falling

"Lucy I will go crazy with boredom, if you do not keep fighting." I groaned, leaning against the thick wooden pole.

"I am bored too, but not that bored to make me want to fight you again." She huffed, chucking the sword away. "You are getting too good."

"I've had 2 days on ship, doing absolutely nothing!" I groaned, slipping down the pole and onto my bottom.

"I wish we would just find this stupid island!" Lucy and I would not stop moaning. Being 2 days out at sea, made us seem to go completely delirious.

I never realised I could miss land quite this much!

"Have you seen Caspian?" Edmund asked quickly, seeming to be in a panic.

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"There is an island ahead." He breathed out a heavy sigh, that had been building up over the last two days.

"I'll go find him." I squealed, excited to finally be on land and not on the plain old ship!

"The island!" Lucy gasped as she looked on ahead.

"You got us there! What did I tell you?" Reep yelled with joy, looking up to Eustace.

"Eustace, you're extraordinary!" I smiled brightly, before disappearing to find Caspian.

Walking into his office, I saw Caspian standing there with Drinian.

"We have spotted the island" I grinned; looking to him with excitement.

"Finally!" He gasped; running a hand through his hair in relief - before turning to Drinian. "Get the men ready to sail towards the island."

"Yes your majesty." He nodded, before getting the men to pull towards the island.

"Finally." Caspian breathed out, looking to me.

"We have nearly made it" I grinned, hugging him suddenly. Closing my eyes as I hugged him, his hands wrapped around my body and hugged me back willingly.

"Thank you." He breathed out again, making me pull back slightly to look to him - with his arms still wrapped around me.

As I looked to him, time seemed to stop for a moment. I no longer cared about anything else - but him. I was falling head over heels for him and I could not longer hide my emotions.

Our noses brushed past one another's and I could feel his breath against my face. Looking to his lips, his hand moved to my cheek; caressing it.

"I wanted to tell you something." He smiled, still whispering as he looked to me. My hands moved to the back of his neck.

"What?" I asked, smiling at him.

"I think I have fallen for you." He confessed; making my heart explode. "We are met to be with each other and I want that more than anything. I know I haven't known you physically for a long period of time, but my heart feels as though I have known you forever-"

I interrupted him, by pressing my lips onto his; engaging in a passionate kiss - that sent off a million fireworks in my body- it was electric and I would not of wanted it any other way.

We both pulled away, breathing heavily as we learnt our foreheads against one another.

"I am scared" I whispered.

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