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Whatever that is, it smells so good - I smiled as sat reading my book while sitting on my bed. 

Lucy and Edmund moved into a house with my aunt (their mother), with Peter and Susan; so they were close to us during this period of war. 

They say it'll end soon. 

All I wanted was for it too end.

"Olivia could you answer the door" My mother yelled to me, as someone knocked harshly.

I placed my book on the side and ran downstairs

"Yes mother" I replied.

I opened the door and saw the obnoxious young doctor standing infront of me. I looked at him glaring.

"Why are you here!?" I snapped.

"You mother invited me round" he smirked knowing the hatred I had towards him.

"Well you're not coming in" I angrily snap.

"Move out of my way little girl" he says patronising and pushes me back.

I raise my fist up ready to punch him. But I was distracted by my mothers voice barking at me.

"Olivia Scrubb!" She yelled.

I glared at them both and walked away back to my room. My brother ran in mumbling.

"That son of a-" he began but I cut him off.

"Eustace he's horrible" I frowned.

"Olivia get down here" father yelled.

I hugged my brother tightly.

"We need to get rid of him" I mumbled.

"But Liv, he's here because mum and dad want to marry you both to each other." He whispered.

My whole body froze and I couldn't move. 

But no, I couldn't ever with him. 

My body shook.

"Olivia come down!" My mother yelled pulling me out of shock.

I went downstairs slowly. I entered the living room very anxiously, expecting the worst.

"Olivia, come sit down" My father spoke.

I sat down, making sure I was away from the obnoxious pig.

"Olivia, you are 19 nearly 20 and it's time you had a husband and grew up" my mother spoke.

I rolled my eyes.

"George is a lovely boy darling" she smiled and I scoffed which earned a scowl from my mother and the pig.

"I'm not marry him" I argued.

"Olivia no arguments you are and that's final" she snapped.

Tears formed my eyes.

"No!" I yelled and walked out the house. I ran outside and followed my my brother behind me.

"Liv, wait!" Eustace yelled.

But I carried on running trying to get away from this issue. Yet I knew I couldn't which broke my heart even more. Caspian was the only thought I could have. I know I don't have the right too because I left him but I love him.

I kept running until my legs felt as if I was flying. I stopped as I was so worn out and tired. I sat on the floor unable to speak or move. My heavy breathing over took me.

"Liv" Eustace spoke out of breath as well. "Please I know you love Caspian but we might go back or we won't."

I looked down listening.

"Just marry him" he sighed.

I couldn't believe what was coming out of my brothers mouth. I looked at him with teary eyes.

"Eustace I can't" I say.

"Char please for mother and father" he spoke "I know you don't want too sis but it's also a way of getting over Caspian. It's completely beneficial."

I looked at my brother and shrugged. I guess I may have to I thought to myself.

Wait no! I can't! 

But mother and father.

Maybe I could use it to get over Caspian?


Maybe I should do this to get over him?

I hate the boy though. 

All these thoughts raced through my mind; driving me insane.

"Fine!" I blurted out. 

Then we walked back in silence back to the house.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour" I mumbled. "I'll marry him"

A smirk formed on my mothers face. Suddenly two rich looking people walked into my house and kissed my cheek.

"Oh darling welcome to the family" the woman spoke.

"Mother and father this is Olivia and her parents" George spoke.

George came to me and kissed the side of my head. I felt nothing when I was near him well nothing but disgust. I'm only doing this for mother I spoke in my head.

My cousins and aunt came in and saw me with George. I looked at them with a sad expression and they seemed to understand my wave length. They'd connected with me and understood what I was doing. I guess if it's not meant to be then Aslan will save me. I just hope he does.

I wanted nothing more than to go back to Narnia but I can't do anything about it now. I need to live my life in England. Aslan said the decision will be clear soon and things may change but it didn't feel as if any changes would ever be made.

"Olivia, we'd like to invite you too our grand dinner with us at the Marvel Crossing restaurant." Georges mother said in a stuck up time.

"We'll then announce your engagement then to the whole of the family and friends" his father spoke.

I could see my mother was extremely excited to see one of her babies being married off to rich people. The only person I'm doing this for is her, she's had a tough life looking after me and brother then when my cousins coming to live with us she had to work even more harder but also seeing as it was war time as well.

"The meals in 2 weeks" she smiled and looked around my home frowning.

"Oh darling we need to sort this house out its a mess" she snootily spoke.

I knew I wouldn't get along with these people but I'll just have to get on with it.

"Olivia, you'll go with my George to look at wedding gowns" his father spoke.

"Wasn't I supposed to do that on my own with my family members not with him" i snapped which earned a glare from my mother and father.

"No you'll do it with George and that's final" she yelled.

I stood back and nodded my head agreeing. I sighed to myself and I looked up at my cousins which shared glances to me to show there sympathy.

Help me Aslan.

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