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Before I went back to Lucy and Gael, I could see Edmund standing at the edge of the ship; looking over the edge.

"Hey" I smiled as I lead beside him.

"Hey." He replied.

"What you thinking?" I questioned the cogs that appeared to be turning in his brain.

"Do you like it here?" He asked, making me look back out to the sea.

"So much" I smile; then looking back to my cousin. "I can see why you guys never wanted to leave."

Looking back out, I see something ascend from the fog as we came closer.


"Ed, is that land?" I asked with a gasp; smiling hugely as I looked out.

"It is!" He smiles happily, in which he hurried off to go and tell Caspian.

Lucy ran out of her room after she heard all the commotion - with Gael still by her side. We all stand there, looking over to the island as we approach it. The small land slowly got bigger and bigger as we came closer.

"What do you think we are going to experience this time?" I laughed, still unsure after last time.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe." Lucy winked. "I'm sure a certain person won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Be quiet!" I gasped, playfully smacking her.

We all got into the small boats again and sailed across to the other side. Caspian was in the boat next to me and I couldn't help but keep staring at him as we sailed across.

"Stop it!" My brother snapped as he caught me staring.

"What!" I gasped, trying to brush it off.

"You're so smitten, it makes me feel physically sick." He scoffed and the boats came to a stand still.

As I looked at the island, it seemed like there could possibly be a lot of wildlife living there. It was so green and seemed to be full of life - it looked like a friendly island which was very opposing to the Lone Islands that we had just visited. 

"If the Lords follow the mist to the east,
they would have stopped here." Caspian said as he scanned across the island.

"It could be a trap." Ed said being wary, looking around carefully.

"Or it can held some answers." I suggested and I turned to Caspian. "Caspian?"

"I suggest that we spend the night on shore. Scout the island everyone." He answered to everyone.

"Ay, Your Majesty." Drinian obeyed and nodded his head.

Night was drawing in, so Lucy, Gael and I decided to quickly have a scout of the island. We ended up finding apple trees on the outskirts of the beaches; getting lots of them for the others.

"I never want to leave here." I sighed, feeling in pure bliss.

"Neither do I" Lucy breathed out.

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