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Not knowing what to do next, there was a huge bright light, that descended down to us; landing in front of us. I placed my hand over my eyes; walking over to Caspian and Ed, with Lucy.

"What is going on?" I asked Caspian as he placed a hand on my lower back for a moment.

"I am not sure." He mumbled, watching the bright light dim down.

The light dimmed down and in replace of the brightness was a women that looking to us.

"Travellers of Narnia" She spoke. "Welcome."

We bowed to her.

"Arise!" She demanded smiling. "You look hungry?"

"Who are you?" Edmund asked in awe; captivated by her beauty.

"I am Lilliandil." She answered. "Daughter of Ramandu. I am your guide."

"You're a star." Caspian spoke smiling as he looked to her.

"You're most beautiful." Edmund said and I internally rolled my eyes, looking to Lucy - who had the same expression on her face.

"If it is a distraction for you, I can change forms." She innocently spoke, meaning it in a kind way.

"No." Edmund quickly said.

"Please. The food is for you." The star moved her hands which made the candles light up. "There is enough for everyone that welcome to Aslan's table. Always. Help yourselves."

All the men started to go and eat the food on the table.

"Wait." I said. Which caused everyone to turn around to me. "What happened to them?" I pointed to the Lords.

"These poor men were half mad by the time they reached our shores. They threatened each other with violence." She came to me. "Violence is forbidden at the table of Aslan. So they were sent to sleep."

"Will they ever wake up?" I asked.

"When all is put right. Come. There is little time. The Magician Coriakin told you of Dark Island?" She asked us and the men sat down to eat; making at though they could not hear, (because they were too busy eating.)

"Yes." Lucy said. "For as long as it take to out right, the evil will be unstoppable."

"Coriakin said, to break the spell, we need the seventh sword on the Aslan's table." I added once Lucy had finished.

"He speaks the truth." She soothly spoke.

"But we found only six." I interjected.

"Do you know where the seventh is?" Edmund asked her in awe once more.

"In there." She spoke and pointed to the cave. It sent shivers down my spine. "You will need great courage to enter."

I held Caspian's hand quickly; scared that I wasn't brave enough to enter.

"But I know you all have the strength to do so." She smiled.

"Will we meet again?" Ed smiled, as she turned away from us.

"Soon." She said kissing his cheek. "Goodbye."

She then disappeared and went back into the sky; leaving us in slight darkness once again.

"So what do you think it's in there?" Lucy asked us.

"Our worst nightmares." I mumbled walking over to see the cave. "Our darkest wishes."

"Pure evil." Caspian added and looked to us all.
"Tavros, unlock the armoury - we will explore in the morning."

Everyone began eating and having a good time. But the thought of the cave stuck in my head, not allowing me to think of anything else. Standing up, I walked over to the open gap, which allowed you to see the cave from the hill we stood upon.

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