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"Strange." Caspian frowned as he looked through the telescope again. "No Narnia flag in sight."

"The Lone Islands always been of Narnia's." Ed recalled, showing off his leadership skills from when he was last in Narnia. "Seems suspicious. I say we prepare a party. Drinian?"

Drinian looked down obviously feeling awkward. He coughed then looked at Edmund.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, but the chain of command starts with Prince Caspian on this ship" He mumbled avoiding eye contact.

"Right" Ed said awkwardly, and I put my hand on his arm smiling.

"We use rowboats." Caspian demanded kindly, looking at to Drinian. "Pick some men and come ashore."

"Men the row boats!" Drinian repeated the demand to the men. "Get the sailors and prepare to go out; get ready to lower the anchor."

"Well, this is your first little adventure" Ed smiled as he came beside me; walking to the small boats that had been prepared for us.

Caspian got in after Ed; while Ed help Lucy get on, Caspian griped my waist and swung with gently inside. I smiled with gratefulness. Once a few of us had got on, Caspian began to row to shore.

"Can't we just wait till the morning?" Eustace moaned, while sitting the boat next to us.

"There is no honour in turning away from adventure lad." Reep said.

Caspian pulled up to shore and grabbed my hand, but the waves pushed the boat forward some more; causing me to fly into Caspian's arms – not that it was a bad thing.

"Sorry" I blushed profusely, embarrassed at the situation. Lucy was smirking beside me, but no one else noticed the close proximity of us.

"Don't be" He smiled, moving back slightly before anyone questioned it. "Just stay close."

"Listen!" Lucy said having the sense of fear in her tone; looking around to see no one there.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, and Caspian looked at me. He nodded his head for me to follow him, which I did.

"Come on, jelly legs." Reep said to Eustace, as he stepped onto the sandy shore.

"I'm capable of getting out myself!" He snapped at Reep. Then fell over, flat on his face.

"And you're certain you're related by blood?" Caspian laughed slightly, before turning around and keeping his hand on his sword.

I smiled and walked ahead with Lu; gripping her arm as we looked at the surroundings with a sharp eye – looking to see if we could see anything suspicious.

"Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place. We will head up." Caspian calmly demanded. "If we don't come back by dawn, send the party."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Reep obeyed and bowed, going over to the other men to discuss the plan.

We began walking through the town. It was a deserted place, with what looked like, people had been living here previously. I trailed behind slightly which seemed to catch Caspian's eyes, as he kept turning around to look at me.

"Olivia, make sure you keep up with me." Caspian informed, and I caught up to him "I don't have a good feeling about this place."

I walked beside him, which made me feel a lot safer. Our hands brushed against each other's often, which made me blush and grin from ear to ear, which made me not look in his direction until I had calmed down.

"Yeah, looks like nobody is in." Eustace rushed, acting nervous as he looked inside a house. "So do you think we should go back?"

"Do you want to come here and guard...something?" Edmund asked, not sure on what to do, that would actually please Eustace for once.

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