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"It's on the boat." Lord Rhoop yelled as he looked up, thinking the dragon is what Ed thought of. "Go away, being!"

"No!" I screamed as the Lord threw his sword at my brother.

My heart broke into a million pieces as I watch my brother fly away, in a lot of pain.

"Eustace!" I screamed again and went to the Lord. "That wasn't the creature!"

"We are doomed." The Lord wept. "Turn the boat around."

"Are you listening to me!" I shouted. "It is too late!"

Caspian came over to me, putting his hand on my lower back. The Lord then tried to turn the boat around in order to get back, but we all knew it was too late.

"Stop him!" Caspian yelled. "Rowers, On your rowing position. At top speed."

"Aslan, help us, please." I heard Lucy pray.

"Draw." Men yelled in tune.

Then suddenly a thud smashed against the ship which shook everyone.

Silence filled our ears. I could feel it. I could sense it was coming.

Then, Edmunds creature he had imagined, a huge sea serpent, came straight out of the side knocking most of the crew over.

People started trying to attack the monster which resulted into death or near death. Caspian went with Edmund and tried to kill the creature. With the sword I carried, I too started to attack the sea serpent with every bone in my body.

"We need to crush him against the rock. To port, I'll try to lure him." I said and I ran to the side.

"Watch out!" Caspian yelled and I fell over on the deck; landing on my stomach. Groaning in pain, I looked up to Caspian, who saw I was alive and fairly okay!

"Fire" Drinian yelled and arrows shot at the indestructible monster.

"Try to kill me." Lord Rhoop manipulated the beast, in order to distract it. "I'm here."

As I looked up to the beast, it saw Edmund trying to kill it, it was no dumb creature. The beast then picked Edmund up and threw him around.

Starting to attack from the other side, in one swoop, I was suddenly was smashed and hit against the other side of the ship; half conscious as to what was going on.

"Liv!" Caspian yelled, trying to come over but the creature would not allow him.

"I'm still here." I mumbled, groaning as I looked up - still not feeling too great.

"We can beat this." I heard Caspian yell.

"We must get closer." Ed spoke.

Is this guy crazy? I think to myself. As I stood up slowly, I felt incredibly weak and shaky.

"Everybody to the main deck." Edmund demanded, running off to where he pointed too.

"Get ready. I want everyone here. We need to throw the rope over it. Go when I say." Caspian yelled. "Ready!"

Everyone watched Caspian and then the beast - waiting for the word to attach the top

"Now!" Caspian screamed.

The rope went over the beast and it pulled its head down to the ground. The creature continued to fight, but it made it harder to hold down.

"We need it's head!" Ed yelled.

The Kings Queen (Caspian Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now