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1.3k reads!? Thank you so much you guys! That's so awesome and I am so so so so so  thankful for those of you who have read this far and for those of you who have voted. Thank you so much!


Also I'm so sorry about the late update. I just finished school and now I'm starting summer school and SAT classes so I'm still packed but I promise to be much more frequent than I have been in the past. I'll take initiative and try to make it a goal to post every Wednesday. Thank you for reading this far and I hope you enjoy.  


"Hello Ms. Y/N. I'm the investigator for your case. Something has popped up in your case. We need you to come down to the station as soon as you are able to."

"Yeah, I'll come right now."

"Okay thank you."

I quickly get out of bed and throw on a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt and brush my hair into a braid. I grab my phone and go into my mother's room.

"Mom, there's been a break in my case and they're asking me to come in for questioning."

She gets up and my dad does as well.

"Okay let's leave right now."

My parents rush out in their pajamas and start the car, I follow and text my brother a heads up in case he wakes up. 

We rush to the station and I run in to the detective's office while my parents talk to the person at the desk of the station.  


"Sit down Y/N."

"Yes detective." 

"So Ms. Y/N, Yuta has made quite a bold statement. Any guess to what?"

I knew what he was talking about but I knew I had to play it dumb. "No sir."

Suddenly Chanyeol walks in.

He goes up to the detective and hands them a file.

"You're needed at the main office." 

"I'm in the middle of something."

"It's urgent," Chanyeol said with gritted teeth.

The detective glared at Chanyeol but eventually stood up and walked out the door. Chanyeol takes the detective's seat and clasps his hands together. 

"Y/N, Yuta said that you're in a relationship with your teacher which is illegal and you both could land in some serious trouble.  

"Don't worry Chanyeol, he's not my teacher anymore."

"But you did date him when he still was at one point, right?" He said in a hushed voice.

I nodded, not wanting to say it aloud.

"Look, to avoid getting in trouble, for the mean time, you need to stay away from each other. This might lead into another investigation to verify these claims and so if you guys are seen together, it could look wrong."

"But he's not my teacher anymore."

"But he was, and you guys could still land in trouble."

I had to leave Baekhyun again?! I could feel the tears welling up at my eyes. I blinked them back, trying to get them to not fall. Chanyeol looked sad as well. I guess he hated breaking the news but he did because he has my back.

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