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I scan the man up and down, not believing what I was seeing. 

"You never called or sent me a text Y/N. Did my text smudge the way the ink did in the rain on your napkin? Or was that just an excuse?"

"Y-Yuta?" There in front of me stood none other than Yuta. His charming smile which would previously have caused me to smile now gave me chills. He looked absolutely exhausted. His dark circles under his eyes got larger and he lost the usual glow to his face. His usually twinkling eyes now were desolate. "Why? Why'd you do all this? WHY?" Unconsciously, I went up to him and grabbed him by the collar.

He slides by hands off and steps away from me.

"You know Y/N, when I first saw you, I have to admit, I was very intrigued. I don't know what it was about you. Maybe your smile? Your hair? Your eyes? Or maybe how you blushed when I gave you that napkin? I don't know but something made me interested. However you came to the coffee shop with someone. I decided to look more into your relationship. I left the coffee shop after you and decided to observe the two of you."

"Are you a psychopath?! You followed me from the first day?!"

"Listen Y/N, I'd appreciate if you  didn't interrupt me. Anyways as I was saying, I followed you all the way to the rooftop and I saw how that all played out. I admit, the part of him being your teacher surprised me. However what caught me off guard was the fact that he yelled at you. I saw your tears that night when you left and for some reason, I felt hurt. I vowed to make him hurt the way he hurt you. I started researching him and where he worked. The next morning, I saw you again and you just looked so gorgeous and you were so nice as well! Every small gesture you did made me fall even more, if I'm being honest. Your awkward little hug, your smile and the way you were surprised to see me, even though I worked in that coffee shop, everything jjust made me fall even more."

As he said this, he seemed to be in an incredibly happy memory. He smiled with pure happiness as he said each word.

"That's when I knew he had to suffer. After my shift, I went to your school and traced down his classroom but do you know what I saw?" 

He turns around glaring at me as he smacks the hood of his car.


He backs away and takes a few deep breaths, as if the memory was traumatic for him. 

"I see you kissing him, even though just hours earlier, he made you cry. You were so stupid Y/N. Can't you see? I realized that action had to be taken immediately. I left the scene and planned the entire plot out the next day. The day after, I waited out close by you teacher's house. I saw him leave in the morning and I followed him to school. That was weird since it was Saturday but it just made my job easier. As he opened the door to his class, I went up behind him and stabbed him. I admit, for a while, that haunted me. But it was worth it for you. I decided from then on, you'd always be happy. I'd make sure of it. I decided that is that was going to be true, I should be with you whenever I can. So I did. Whenever I wasn't at work or at school, I'd be with you. I tried to talk to you one day but for some reason you got scared. You even called the cops! I was so angry and confused but the I realized it was because you didn't see my face. Tell me Y/N, what was your first impression of me?"

I nervously fidget with the seams of my sleeves. To try to calm myself, I take a deep breath. "Yuta, I thought you were an amazingly sweet person. Even though I barely know you, for some reason your presence was calming and you're smile always made me smile. You seemed adorable. But now, you're being maniacal! Stop this Yuta! Come with me, it's not too late. We can help you! I can help you." I extend my hand out, hoping he obliges but he stays put.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You should have just answered what I asked Y/N. I've come to a decision. If I can't have you, nobody can."

He charges at me but I quickly dodge and grip my keys tightly. His eyes dart down to the keys and a flash of rage comes to his eyes. 


"Yuta listen. Calm down. Let's talk this out. Just calm down and let's go."

"No." He runs at me and tries to rip the key out of my hand. I fight back and eventually kick his leg to get him away. For a moment he stumbles back and I seize the moment by running to my car. But I guess I was too slow. The next thing I knew was I felt a sudden moment of pain on the back of my head and my vision blurred. I fell to the floor, my head aching. The last thing I see before completely blacking out was Yuta standing over me standing with his keys in his hand. He hit my head with the key.

Author's note : Okay so even though Yuta is the antagonist in this story, I actually love Yuta and I don't want to like make him seem like a bad guy. Yuta is one of the sweetest people and like one of my favorite people. Loooook how precious he is ❤❤❤

 Loooook how precious he is ❤❤❤

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