Chapter Fourteen: The Rebellious

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Johnny Cage lunges at Ermac, giving him a swift jumping uppercut with green energy engulfing his body. This sends Ermac crashing to the ground, but not for long. He stands and uses his telekinetic energy to fiercely shove Cage, making him stumble a bit. I turn to Rain momentarily when a slight giggle escaped his lips, a grin plastered on his face. By the look in his eye one thing is for sure; he wants Ermac to crush Cage.

I on the other hand could not care less. The tournament is merely my bridge to vengeance, and that is all it will ever be. More punches and kicks are thrown as they go deeper into the art of kombat. I turn to father who stands with pride written on his face, fists clenched, but rested on both sides of his waist. I hear a loud thud and turn back to the fight at hand only to see Cage hit the arena floor, his lip gushing red and a bruise on his chest. Ermac lifts his hand, causing his telekinesis abilities to go to work, and lifts Cage like it is nothing.

He then proceeds to bring Cage closer right before slamming him to the ground. Cage let out a scream of pain as he laid there, blood escaping his mouth. I get distracted a moment by seeing Smoke from the corner of my eye. Both he and Kung Lao have a rather tense expression on their face. However, Smoke seems to be even tenser than his comrade, I can see it not only on his face, not only in his eyes, but in his heart. If Cage is to fail, Smoke will certainly make up for the loss.

I shift my attention back to the feud at hand just as Cage managed to get the upper hand. He sent a devastating kick to Ermac with a red aura following him as he sent Ermac crashing to the ground. Cage approaches him as Ermac attempts to stand, but Ermac is only awarded with an energy flip-kick to the forehead, making him collapse. Ermac's eyes began to close, and then open slowly; I know it's over now.

"Finish him," father said in displeasure.

I know him all too well to know he is ashamed of the "multi-being's" loss.

"I'd rather not. You see Skull brain, I'm not like you," he points at father.

"Or any of your warriors." Father had an irritated expression on his face at the comment as Cage started to exit the arena.

"Well Cage, your fight is not yet done," Shang shouts, stopping him in his tracks.

He must have forgotten that you fight until you are eliminated, either from the tournament or literally.

Cage turns, bringing his attention to the sorcerer and asking with too much confidence, "So, who's it gonna be?"

I notice the grin on the sorcerer's face appear, so I know Cage will lose the next fight. The first fight, whether Ermac won or lost was just to see what Cage was capable of delivering. Now, Shang Tsung knows who can go against him and win.

"Rain!" the sorcerer announces.

I turn to face Rain as he did the same to me. His eyes tell me he is smiling. He brings me closer by my waist then plants a peck on my cheek before pulling away and giving me a smile. He pulls his violet mask back up as well. Instead of walking to the ring like others would, he disappeared into a floating atmosphere of water, reappearing on the arena directly across from Cage.

"Ermac is not the one you should have been worried about facing. I am," his voice is dark, somewhat how I sound before I start feasting on prey.

"Yeah, bring it chump!" Cage replies.

I honestly don't know who is more conceited when it comes to kombat. This should prove to be intriguing.

"Sister!" I turn to see Li Mei walking towards me with Kung Lao at her side. Smoke stands in place, keeping eyes on the battle.

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