Chapter One: Sisters

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~Mileena POV~

"Fight!" my father shouts.

I face Kitana with serious eyes, eyes that say I am ready to attack her. She shoots the same look back, a bit calmer however. We circle the sandy arena, the sand almost getting into my shoes and massaging my toes. My hair is tied while hers is down, reaching the small of her back. This is how most are able to spot the difference between us with our masks on. There are others training in the other arenas near ours such as Kano, Reptile, Baraka, and Jade. The tournament is nearing, and training is our top priority.

We are in the back of our palace, high above Outworld. It is a beach-like area with patches of grass in some areas, but for the most part covered in sand. A river runs through the middle of it, creating a waterfall as it falls off the edge, joining the rest of the realm down below. It stands out, however the realm does not. The sky is always gloomy and cloudy, with a purple like tint some days, gray the next, and it seems not rain too often. The the only time the realm appears as decent is during late hours of the night, where flames light the dark realm everywhere and the orange moon does as well.

Our eyes lock. Father is mounted on his throne chair in front of us like always, examining how we can handle ourselves in the art of battle for the hundredth time. These battles usually end with us both out of breath and father telling us to call it a day. However, this time will be different, I intend it to be.

I step to Kitana, throwing a right punch without hesitation. She dodges it by pacing backwards going into her fight stance. I go into mine as well and a moment later I counter her attempted kick to my feet by jumping at kicking back, striking her jaw. She falls back with shock in her eyes as she glares at me behind her sapphire mask concealing her identity. I do not waver. I enter my stance once again, informing her I shall not take it easy, and neither shall she if she values her life.

She steps to me quickly throwing a left punch that I pace to dodge. However, the effort was pointless. The throw was simply a distraction as her left foot trips me, knocking me to the ground. Kitana then takes advantage of my position. She springs on top of me, giving me a right hook to the cheek, making the sand fly in the same direction I was hit. She goes for another hit, but my hand catches her fists. My instincts take over as I use my feet to flip our position swiftly, bringing her to the ground on her stomach and into the sand. This gives me the perfect opportunity to return the favor and pin her before she can stand.

I grab her hands and I watch her struggle. Knowing I have her at my mercy I hiss and lowered my head, then pause.

"No... I cannot end her life yet. She must suffer first." my thoughts cram as I pin her, thinking of what to do.

I know father is watching and desires no hesitation, so instead I stand quickly and kick her, making it look as if I merely taunted her. Kitana grunts slightly from it. She stands to face me. Vengeance is written in my eyes and on my face behind my magenta mask I commonly hid my features with. I cannot even control my instincts during training. I want to murder her. Though it is currently a work in progress.

Kitana most likely does not notice. Instead she flips in the air and manages to kick me in the chest. The wind almost escapes me as her foot makes impact, knocking me to the dusty arena floor. I look up before taking to my feet.

The expression in her eyes looks as if she wants to say, "I got you now," and seeing this, I take to my feet quickly.

I am the better warrior, and I shall prove it. I prepare to attack again.

"Enough," our father announces.

We both stand straight, turn and run to him instantaneously. We bow before him, waiting for him to speak.

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