Chapter Six: Kombat Kontinues

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Six long days of tournament fights have passed. We are now fighting from sun up, to sun down each day. Some die, others are spared. There is little time for training lately as well. I have not slept these past days; I merely go to the roof and watch the sun rise, hiding behind the clouds as it lights the realm dimly. Or I await for the sun to rise in my room some days, accompanied with Li Mei. No one knows where I go at night except for she, my new trusted ally and servant, which makes the newfound location even more valuable than my quarters. No futile Earth Realmers to pester me and no Kitana to irk my murderous nature.

I have not spoken to anyone besides Li Mei and Rain. I run into the Earth Realmer Smoke everyday, but he has not made an effort to create a new snide comment aimed toward me. He merely gives me an odd glance as if he has millions of inquiries for me, but he never gets a single one out. My urges to quell him have settled, for he is of no concern to me anymore. This leaves Kitana as my only nemesis, and I am more determined every day.

"Finish him!" Shang Tsung shouts.

Another Earth Realmer has fallen to Outworld. Ermac finishes off a random fighter by using his bright, green telekinesis to tear his opponent's torso vertically in half, spilling his blood onto the arena. Our forces cheer savagely as the Earth Realmers' faces light up in shock. As usual I watch at father's side with Kitana. This is the twentieth match today, and we are ahead by three kombat victories.

"Our next battle will be Kung Lao versus Jade!" the sorcerer announces.

Servants clear the arena of the two body parts as Jade steps onto the arena calmly. A man with a razor-rim hat steps onto the arena as well with his head tilted, making it quite difficult to land eyes on his face. He then reveals his face as his gaze meets his opponent. His fierce eyes lock onto Jade with determination.

"The day I let Outworld take Earth Realm is the day I die," he slides his hand across the blade of the hat speedily.

Jade readies herself to attack.

"Fight!" father exclaims.

Jade draws her staff and charges at him. She swings it horizontally toward his head as he dodges it, delivering two swift blows to her chest. She spins in retaliation, bringing her staff with her which happens to strike Kung Lao in the rib area, then the chest right after. She goes for another attack with the staff when Kung Lao sweeps her feet from under her with his leg, bringing her to the ground.

She uses the staff to stand quickly, sliding upward and going into the air. As she descends, she aims her staff downward at her foe. But, he tips his hat and the razor on it snaps her staff in half. He delivers a devastating kick to her stomach which sends her a few feet away. She then concentrates her energy and throws a purple-like bright boomerang at him which strikes his upper cranium, knocking his hat to the arena floor. Jade glides to him with a green light surrounding her body, giving him two mighty kicks and a fierce grunt.

Kung Lao falls to the ground, peering upward in disarray. Jade throws another boomerang downward, aiming to quell him. However the blade misses him as he disappears; leaving traces of blue aura behind. He spawns again from the ground flying upward, then grabs Jade's shoulders from behind. He uses his momentum to flip her frontwards. She firmly lands on her back on the arena floor. She looks up at him with angered eyes, but he kicks her fiercely to assure she shall stay down. There is a look of disappointment on Shang Tsung's face when Jade is unable to fight back, but he still goes along as planned.

"Finish her!" he yells.

Kung Lao just picks her up by her torso and tosses her across the arena instead of ending her life, leaving her laying there a moment. Servants drag her unconscious form off of the platform as Kitana peers at her body guard with a hint of concern. Surprisingly the Earth Realmers aren't too fond of murder, yet that is the very theme of this tournament. Defeat, murder and defend. As in Outworld's case, defeat, slaughter and invade. A very contradicting people they are, these Earth Realmers.

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