I'm a Badass I'm a Nerd And this is seriously THE END...

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HEY!!! It's the last chapter that you all have not -so -patiently waited for!

Because this is the last chapter I plan to make it epically awesome, and if it's not then....Aww!

Everything hurts. From my fingertips to my toes, the feeling of fire running through my veins is causing me pain.

He bleached my hair back blonde but now it's stained with red and the smell is nauseating, I don't know if I'm getting dizzy because of that or because of the loss of blood.

I can't move, and I can barely breathe. The cuts on my cheek sting as salty tears run down my cheek.

Caramel's lifeless body lays beside me, her eyes open wide and glazed over.

He killed her, he actually killed her....

I close my eyes and let out a shaky breath, then I scream, louder than I thought I could.

He shushes me with his cold, disgusting finger. I want to bite him, but I don't even have the strength to do that.

"It's okay, every thing's gonna be okay." He whispers, wiping away my tears.

"It's not. You killed them, you killed all of them. How could you take their lives away like that? The little girl was only seven!"

He smiles lightly, the glint in his eye showing how much of a monster he really is. "None of that matters anymore, it's just you and I now okay?"

I flinch as he bends down to kiss me. His lips are cold and harsh, like his heart.

"I'll be right back okay? Just lay down and rest." He says, with a smile. He lays me gently back down on the floor. Then he grabs Caramels legs and begin to drag her away from me.

Her dead eyes stay directly on mine as she fades farther and farther away, behind her head drags a trail of blood.

I watch as he drags her out the door in terror unable to move. Nick, Brandon, Mom, Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Calve and even poor little Brianna. HE made me watch him slaughter them all.

When he comes back, his shoe's leave prints of blood all over the hardwood floor.

He sits next to me and takes me into his arms again. He's smiling, like there's actually something to smile about.

"Joey, how could you do this to me?"

He strokes my hair gently, looking in my eyes like he did absolutely nothing wrong.

"I didn't do this to you K.C, they did. They all tried to keep us from being together, they tried to keep us from being happy. But they're gone now, and nothing's going to stop us from being together." He says.

"But I loved them, all of them. And you took that away from me!"

"I know, I took them away only so I could give you a new and better life."

"You can't do that, you can't just erase the past like that Joey, regardless of what you do the memory of them is going to haunt me forever."

"I wouldn't do that. I'll take everything away, the pain, the memories everything." He says.

"How are you gonna do that?"I ask.

I've lost everything. There's no use for me to fight back, I want him to take it away.

I want him to take away the screaming, the pain and the blood even if he's the one who put them there.

He smiles, looking at my eyes as he takes my wrist to his lips and kisses it lightly.

"Close your eyes."

I do what he says with no hesitation.

I feel a thin line of metal enter my skin and then instant pain.

Memories flood my mind.

The day I got Bentley...

The day I met Joey...

My first kiss...

They keep spinning into my head, until this day replays into my mind.

I scream, and so does someone in my head. And then everything goes Black.

OKAY! So the ending had to be kinda bad, but it had to be surpriseing so I could start fresh with the sequel.


Beware, the Sequel will be explicid, and yeah....CHOW!

🎉 You've finished reading I'm a badass, I'm a nerd and i'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare. -.^ 🎉
I'm a badass, I'm a nerd and i'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare. -.^Where stories live. Discover now