I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 11)

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Kayoko's POV:

When I open my eye I don't see Caramel, I don't see Chris, I don't see Mrs. or Mr. Calve.

Nope, I see the devil himself, Brandon.


"You, OUT!" I say to him.

I already feel icky and I'm not going to have him take the last of the energy I barely have.

"Is that a way to talk to the person who carried me in your time of need?"

"Eww dude you touched me?! Sick."

He scoffs. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Yeah, ok. What do I have?


"That sucks." I pout.

Jeez this was not on my to do list,

And...oh jeez, is that a I.V on my arm!


"So why are you in here?"I ask him.

"You said something that bothered me."

"That's not a surprise, what did I say?"

"You said something about my brother?"

I did? "I did?"

"Well you said his name."

"I seriously don't remember anything." I say shrugging.

Yeah I really don't remember anything, but looking at him I can guess what name I said.

"Wait, so let me get this straight, your Nickolas Kyle's brother?"


"No way, but you guys have different last names and stuff."

"No we don't, Nick and I have my mom's last name."

"But, Gloria..."

"Is not my mom. She's my step mom, and Violet and Brianna are my half sisters."

"So why are you here instead of with your mom?"

"Because my mom died, that's why Nick went insane, quit the band and left. I went to go live with my dad, his two precious daughters and his new wife."

"Well that's messed up."

"Yeah, so is my brother ok? I mean, can I see him?"

"Aww, you miss your little brother!" I gasp. "THE Brandon Kyle has a sweet side?!"

He rolls his eyes. "Do you ruin everyone's moment?"

"No but your special. I'm sorry but I can't tell you if he's ok or where he is, he doesn't really tell me much."

Hell, he didn't tell me that he had a brother,

to think about it he doesn't really tell me anything.

I really need to talk to that boy.

Brandon looks REALLY sad. I feel bad.

"Hey, Brandon can you do me a favor and go get Caramel?"

He nods and leaves, not to long after Caramel comes in.

"Hey! How ya feeling?"

"Like crap."

She laughs and sit's in the chair by the bed. "So what's wrong? Brandon looked really sad."

"Did you know that Nick is his Brother?"

I'm a badass, I'm a nerd and i'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare. -.^Where stories live. Discover now