I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 13)

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Ok so you guys broke me... if you guys want Nick I will give you Nick.

You see what I do for you guys?!


LOL I hope you guys like this.

-yours truly

"See! I was right!"

"That does not mean that I'm destined to be with him."

"I does too! And you guys hate each other, it's perfect."

"Caramel I think you've been watching to many Romance movies," I say, then grab my stuff to go into the bathroom.

"And While you are getting all happy about this love destiny or whatever, I think your forgetting about Nick." I say, standing at the bathroom door.

"Right, well why can't you date both of em?"

"Cuz it's wrong?!"

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."



"You know what! I'm calling Rachel. She'll tell us what you should do."

"Yeah whatever." I say and close the bathroom door.

Jeez! After this trip I'm probably gonna have major high blood pressure.

I change into the white sundress and sandals that Caramel brought me.

The sundress is just really clingy, but it's ok I guess, better than the other hoe-ish stuff that I had to wear.

I walk out the bathroom and Caramel has her cell out.

"What time is it there?"

"Eight, classes don't start to nine."

I nod and she calls Rachel, putting the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Rachel's voice comes through.

"Hey Rach!" Caramel and I say.

"O my gosh! I miss you guys so much! So I need an update, what's happening?

"Is Nick in the room?" I ask.

"Um no. Why the hell would he be in the room unless you're here?!"

"Just checking, jeez."

"Yeah, he's downstairs eating breakfast."

"Cool, oh my gosh Rach you will never guess what Twinkie has been up to..."

So, Caramel fills in Rachel, with me commenting now and then.

"Whoa. Well I agree with Caramel. You should definitely date both them."

Of course she thinks that.

"Whaaaaat? Why?"

"Cause, You have to get to know them right? So why not date both? It'll be much easier."

"Ok, you guys are not getting something, I don't like Brandon!"

"You can keep running but no matter what you do your still gonna like Brandon so stop lying to yourself!" Rachel yells at me.


I seriously don't like him. he just makes me feel good. Ain't that weird?

"Ok, whatever, I just, I don't like this idea."

"You don't have to," Caramel says. " It's just a suggestion."

"Yeah, Twinkies, don't sweat about it. But I have to go you guys, it's breakfast time."

I'm a badass, I'm a nerd and i'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare. -.^Where stories live. Discover now