Twilight In Our Hearts(light in your eyes pt.3)

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Y/N's p.o.v:

         On your way to the park, you let out a contented sigh feeling the mild Spring air blow across your face. Ricky was walking next to me, the hood of his sweatshirt stuck to the back of his head due to the wind. You let out a soft chuckle, twining your fingers with Ricky's while ignoring a few glares from passerby. Not like you cared what they were thinking about the two of you, just the feeling of eyes constantly on you made you feel a little nervous. You let out a breath you apparently had been holding in, brushing a stand of (h/c) hair from your eyes. Ricky seemed to notice your nervous behavior and brushed your knuckles with his thumb, garnering your attention.

"Are you alright Y/N?"

I nodded hesitantly, shuffling a bit before straightening out. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Ricky frowned but nodded solemnly, gripping my hand tighter as we walked into the park.

You and Ricky sat down on a nearby bench, Chris deciding he would get us ice cream.

"I'll be back." Chris strode off to an ice cream cart in the distance, leaving you with Ricky and a mild wind to blow through the trees.

After a few awkward moments, Ricky turned to you, caressing your hand with his. "Y/N? Y/N? Are you sure you're alright?"

You blinked to clear your head, turning to gaze into Ricky's concerned expression. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You've been spacing out a lot today. If something's wrong you can tell me."

You felt a surge of warmth course through your body. "I know. There's nothing wrong specifically, I've just been feeling rather...out of it."

"Would your favorite ice cream help?"

You looked up and saw Chris holding a (f/f) cone in your face.

Chris laughed as you let out a little squeal and snatched the cone from his hand. "I'll take that as a yes. We could sit by the pond where there's a lot more shade and less billion degree heat."

Ricky playfully rolled his eyes. "Okay Chris its not even that hot out. Plus I'd rather not see you jumping around like an idiot because there's a ladybug in your shirt."

"Oh come on its not like I don't already jump around like an idiot. Plus I already brought a bag of stale bread what the fuck else am I supposed to do with it?"

You couldn't help but giggle seeing Chris pulling said bag from his pocket, an even goofier smirk plastered to his face.

"I don't know, throw it out?" Ricky shoved his hand inside the pocket of his hoodie, softly grabbing my other hand to help me up from the bench. "Besides, if you're lucky you won't get chased by ducks. Again. Or geese."

Chris fake pouted, dramatically rolling his eyes as we walked. "That was one time and it was not my fault."

You couldn't help but laugh harder at that, trying to muffle the sound by shoving part of your sleeve in your mouth.

"Who's side are you on anyway? I'm your friend dude."

Ricky gave him a smile and pulled me closer. "She's also my girlfriend and it was totally your fault that time."

"Oh for fuck's sake!"

You laughed at Chris's little fit, burying your face in the crook of Ricky's neck.

Ricky's p.o.v:

'She won't be my girlfriend for much longer.'

My other hand fumbled with the ring box in my pocket, planting a kiss on top of Y/N's head as we walked. She just looked so gorgeous, admiring all the trees and giggling at the birds that occasionally hopped across the path. I only hope she'll make me just as happy and accept me for the rest of our lives together. Or until we unfortunately split and my stuff gets chucked out the door.

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