Fluff and Sin

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A/N: This is a request from @HappilyMotionless so I hope you enjoy! *hugs and cupcakes*

Rosalie's p.o.v:

             I ran a brush through my raven hair, biting my lower lip while a smile overcame my face. My owner Chris was coming home soon, and I needed to make sure I looked perfect for him and his friend Kuza. A shudder ran through me at the thought of being pressed between the two, their long steaming tongues licking every inch of me, teasing and toying with all my holes, destroying all my senses. The bell on my collar shook slightly with my trembling excitement. Putting the final touches on my makeup I purred softly, admiring myself even as my body was filled with nervousness.

             Their likenesses were uncanny, filling me with a further sense of mystery to his personality but also arousal to what he is capable of. Given the many times I've been claimed by my owner (in the sexual sense of course), I have nothing to go on regarding Kuza. But I will be a good kitten for Chris, and respect his wishes since he has not done me any harm. Well, no harm that I didn't love, didn't crave so desperately. My head perked up while I heard the door open, quickly recognizing his footsteps and getting to my knees to 'walk' down the hall to greet him.

He always loved a good kitten. And a good kitten always greets his/her Master.

"Rosalie, where oh where is my sweet kitten?" I turned the corner to see Master put his things down on the table, laying his jacket over the couch before he caught my gaze.

I paused at his feet and bowed my head, silent while I awaited any instruction to move. 

Chris said nothing, instead walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge, kneeling down to scratch my hair before he turned his attention back to the fridge. After a few more moments, he turned to me and spoke.

"Hello little kitten."

I let out a soft meow, my tail swishing slightly in anticipation. "Hello Master."

Chris reached down and petted my hair softly, a long purr slipping from my lips. "I trust you've been a good girl today?"

I nodded, perking up when I saw Chris take a bag of goldfish out of the cupboard. "Yes Master."

Chris pulled me up into his lap, stroking and petting down my hair and back. "Mmm, that's good. And only good little kittens get rewarded."

I perked up in his lap, nuzzling his chest. "What kind of reward Master?"

Chris leaned in and licked along the shell of my ear. "Why, the best kind of course."

I mewled as a shiver ran through me.

Chris set me on the floor, stooping down to whisper in my ear. "I want you upstairs on my bed, hurry lest you want me to rethink my grace upon you."

              I nodded and mewled a reply, climbing up the stairs to my Master's bedroom door, slinking in before shutting it behind me. I climbed atop my Master's bed, settling on my knees as I awaited his arrival. I could tell he was hungry, both for my body as well as my blood. All of which I was happy to give over, anything to satisfy my Master. I heard the soft thuds of his boots on the stairs, the creak of the door echoing as it was pulled open, shut quietly by my Master before he strode to stand at the edge of the bed, a look of pure lust in his glowing eyes. 

Chris took my chin in a rough grip, most definitely forming a bruise. "You know who you belong to, right kitten?"

I nodded, mewling in sight pain. "Yes Master."

Chris growled, sending shivers through my still body. "Good. I think my kitten deserves some playtime, yes?"

I mewled softly, nuzzling my head in his hand. 

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