Chapter 21: An Amazing Day With an Amazing Guy

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Chapter 21: An Amazing Day with an Amazing Guy

Well this is the last place I thought I'd be. Somehow my brain told me that it would be a good idea and it was. One minute I'm mad at...everything. Now five hours later, I lay next to the main cause of it all. Oh, and I forgot to mention that we are half naked.

Five hours before......

When I was walking back from headquarters I walked up to my cabin and went in. Waiting for me there was no one other than the stuck up Derrick. He sat on my couch with his head in his hands. When he saw me come in he lifted his head and he put on a sheepish smile. "Hey." he greeted.

"Hi." I said back to him. I sat next to him on the couch. After a few moments of awkward silence, I finally said, "Its lunchtime. Let me go make some lunch."

"Um, actually, I have a surprise for you. I kind of already made lunch. If that's okay with you, of course. It's... somewhere else. Outside."

My mind was yelling at me not to go but my gut told me that I should make the best of it. I knew that my gut was right. I can't be mad at him forever. Maybe this should just be a chapter in the past. Maybe I should forgive him. Plus, this would also give me a chance to find out if he knows he has a sister.

"Let's go." I said.

He smiled and stood up. He offered me a hand and I gladly took it. Derrick interlaced our hands and pulled me out the door. "Come on." he yelled over his shoulder.

I giggled and started running with him. All the snow was starting to melt, so their was only slush on the ground and water dripping off the trees. The sun was peeking out of the trees. It was now starting to look like spring.

We ran to the gate and he stopped and smirked at me. Then he started to climb the barbwire fence. "Derrick! What are you doing? Why can't we just go out in the main entrance!?" I asked.

"Where is the fun in that?" he said while jumping off the barbwire fence, landing on the other side. "Your turn."

"No..way. I am not going to do that. I'll hurt myself."

"Come on. I do this all the time. Just do it."

"Why do you do this all the time? I know you have the passcode for the front gate."

"Yeah and I only use that if I want to get caught. If you use the front gate, my mom will know that we left."

"And why is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"Because, the sound of sneaking out sounds a lot better than saying I used the front gate. Also, you kind of aren't suppose to leave the perimeter.... But don't worry. As long as you are with me, she won't won't care."

I rolled my eyes. I went up to the gate and started to climb it. This made my hands hurt. But I still kept climbing until I was at the top. I threw my legs over the fence. Now all I have to do is jump. I looked down and started to panic. I am out-of-my-mind afraid of heights. And Derrick could tell I was too.

"Hey, Ali. Your going to be okay. It's only about five feet." he lied and I knew it. It was higher than five feet. It was like ten or twelve feet. In my eyes, it is a football field

down. "I think I'm gonna go back down and go through the front gate. I'd rather Morgan know that I'm here than to jump."

I started to reposition myself. "I'll catch you. Don't go back down. Please." he begged.

I looked down one more time. Derrick was down there with his arms out. "Come on princess."

"Don't call me that."

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