Chapter 16: He Saved my Life

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Chapter 16: He Saved my Life

"Ali, it's been three months since we found you and you haven't said a word to me." my therapist, Willow said.

"Please. You aren't talking to anyone. You won't tell us what happened. All we know is that a man took you and hit you and somehow escaped. Can you tell me what happened?" I stayed quiet with my arms crossed over my chest. I won't let her intimidate me into telling her. She wouldn't want to hear lies anyway.

She sighed and opened her mouth to say something when the clock bell went off signaling that the session was over. She sighed and turned off the clock bell. "I'll see you tomorrow Ali. But think about talking to me okay. You know that everything that whatever you say to me is confidential and I won't tell anyone unless it puts you in harm."

I pursed my lips and squeezed my eyes shut. I won't let her pressure me into telling her what happened. I won't do that to Jake, to Derrick, and to the whole organization.

I stood up and ran out the door, trying not to make eye contact. I left and went out into the waiting room. My mom was waiting for me, reading a Cosmo magazine. She looked up and smiled at me. I returned her the smile. She stood up and embraced me into a into a hug. "I love you." I heard her whisper to me.

"I love you too." I whispered.

"Ali, Stacy, dinner's ready!" my mom yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

Stacy and I looked at each other and ran downstairs like high school football players who were just told dinner was ready. When we got downstairs, Stacy sat down at the table and threw her arms up in the air. "Winner!" she shouted.

My mother and I burst out laughing while my mother served us potatoes. Stacy tucked a loose strand of her long, curly brown hair behind her ear.

We all filled our plates with meatloaf and mashed potatoes, and corn. "Stacy are you spending the night?"

"I'd have to ask my dad since it's a school night, but I'm sure he'd be okay with it. Thanks Mrs. Harper."

"Stacy, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Laurie."

"Sorry." she said with a smile.

I looked at Stacy as she ate. We hadn't gotten off to a very good start when I came back. But now we were inseparable again. She wouldn't look at me because I wouldn't tell her what happened. But soon she realized that I was hurting and that she was being selfish and soon forgave me. Now we are closer than ever before.

We all cleared our plates in small talk about the Olympics and the next school year where Stacy and I will be seniors. We were so excited. It was April and tomorrow was the last day of school and then we were on spring break. Stacy and I were planning to go somewhere this year. We were thinking to the beautiful beaches in North Carolina. They are breathtaking. Or we would just go to the beach in Rhode Island.

I went upstairs and changed into a pair of pajamas while Stacy called her dad. It was pouring down raining outside. The windows were flooded with water so you could barely see out the window. I looked out the window before closing the curtains. There was a figure looking up at me. He had on a black hoodie and jeans, his hands were in his pockets. Wait. Was that...? It had to be!

I flew down the stairs and ignored Stacy trying to talk to me. My mom followed Stacy and I out. I ran outside ignoring the rain that was pounding against my now damp clothes and the freezing sensation on my bare feet.

When I ran outside to the place I saw him, he wasn't there. I looked around and found a deserted street in New York. I was standing in the middle of the street. I felt tears well up in my eyes and my feet fall so I was laying on the ground. I began to cry when I noticed he left so he wouldn't see me. He didn't want to see me. He must hate me. "JAKE!" I screamed as I sobbed.

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