Chapter 2: Dumb, Dumber, and Jerk?

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Hey! I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @friendlykitten123 and @LOUDLYshy, my awesome best friends.




~Kimberly :)

Chapter 2: Dumb, Dumber, and Jerk?

When I awoke, all I could see was darkness. I couldn't see anything. I did what any girl would do if she got kidnapped. I screamed off the top of my lungs. I breathed heavily and inhaled the intoxicating odor of bleach all around me. Probably my kidnapper killed some other girl and wiped the place clean. No Ali! Don't think like that!

I tried to get my hands untied. The duct tape was too strong so it was no use. I felt my lungs beginning to collapse. I couldn't breathe. Literally. I went into panic mode. I wiggled the chair to the ground with a 'splat!'. The wooden chair broke into a tiny pieces. I was no longer tied to the chair for. I stepped into the gap in my arms so that now my arms were in front of me. The first thing I did was take off the bag on my head. Finally, I am able to breathe.

I carefully took in my surroundings. I was in an office overlooking New York City. The only difference between this office and any other office was that their was no paperwork. What office doesn't have paperwork? Their was just a desk, a metal trash bin, a supply closet, and a couple office chairs. I went over to the supply closet and opened it. I found scissors and cut my way out of the duct tape.

I ran over to the door and turned the doorknob. Crap, it's locked. How am I going to get out of here? I looked around, discovering my options. A) jump out the window. B) throw a chair through the door. Or C) crawl up the air vent. I'm gonna go with option C. I went and grabbed the chair and set it down right below the air vent. It was big enough for me to fit in it, but it was still pretty small. I'll have to crawl through it.

I removed the vent and I hopped up. Their was multiple ways I could go. I didn't know which way to go. I remember my mom telling me 'If nothing goes right go left.' So that's what I did. I went left.

I crawled through vents and looked down to see which room I was in. The break room, the offices, and the meeting rooms. It was all the same. Not one room read hope of me getting out of here. But I kept going. I looked down at an unfamiliar room. It had a desk, flowers, and even a fountain. What room is this? The lobby! Finally, I have a chance in getting out of here.

I jumped out of the vent and landed in the lobby. Only this wasn't a lobby. It was a white room with white walls and white carpet. I looked around and found one male and two females standing next to the desk. The male looked my age, seventeen. He had chocolate hair and emerald eyes. One of the girls also looked seventeen with wavy red hair and golden eyes. The other women looked older with long, flowing blonde hair and brown eyes. The girl with red hair grinned and shouted "Time. Three minutes and thirty two seconds. New record." she said with a huge grin.


The older woman stepped closer to me. I don't know why but I trusted her so I didn't take a step back. She motioned the other two people to follow her. "Let's start off with everyones names, shall we?"

"I already know your names. Dumb, dumber, and dumbest."

The older woman smiled and laughed. "I'm Morgan." she gave me her hand to shake and I didn't refuse. I shook her hand, firmly. "I'm Ali." I said.

She motioned a hand over to the red head. "This is Mollie." I shook Mollie's hand.

Finally, she put her hand up to the boy. "This is Derrick." I shook his hand.

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