Chapter 9: A Traitor

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Chapter 9: A Traitor

'I've got to get out of here.' I thought as he kept driving. The only thing around me was the highway. I had no choice but to jump. I looked at Bradley and noticed that he was starting to look drowsy. I took this as an opportunity to get away.

I unlocked the door quietly. I looked over and found Bradley barely able to keep his eyes open. The car was going about forty miles an hour. I took a deep breathe and then shot the door open and jumped out. But I was underestimated.

Bradley gripped my wrist and yanked me into the car. "Da*n you, Ali. You need to cooperate."

"Yeah right I am." I exaggerated.

"Please Ali. I don't want to hurt you. Please. Cooperate."

I laughed and spit him right in the eye. Anger flushed his face and the next thing I know his hand makes contact with my face. I feel my left cheek burn after he slaps me. I put my hand to my cheek and wince in pain. "What happened to 'I don't want to hurt you." I snapped.

"I'm sorry I did that. But if I didn't my brother would hurt me. Or you."

"What are you talk by about?"

"My brother sent me here to pick you up and drop you off. If I don't, he'll kill me. And hurt you. So please, I'm trying to keep you safe. And my family."

"What does your family have anything to do with it?" I asked.

"My brother is threatening to kill my wife and little girl if I don't do this."

The rest of the car ride was silent. Then we turned into a winery. I look at him confused. "Put these on." He demanded. He gave me a pair of handcuffs. "What are you waiting for? Put the dang things on!"

He stopped the car and put the handcuffs on my wrist as I struggled to get away. He then got out of the truck and got a few things out from the back of the truck. He came back with a white cloth and duct tape. "I'm sorry." he whispered before putting duct taping over my mouth. "I'm sorry Ali." he said right as he smuggled my face with the cloth. Surprisingly, I didn't struggle. I just passed out.

I awoke in a large room. It didn't take a genius to tell that it was a basement. The room was empty besides me tied to a chair. My hands were handcuffed and my mouth was still duct taped closed. My legs were duct taped to the metal chair. I tried to wiggle the chair to to topple, but these people were smart and glued the chair down to the ground. Literally.

It was dark except for the candlelight from a candle placed in the room and light from the door that was cracked opened. It was quiet in the basement so I was able to eavesdrop on the conversation outside.

"Did Bradley drop off the girl?" an unknown man asked.

"Yes. She's inside this room. What do we do about Bradley?" a woman asked.

"We do what we told him we would do. Not kill his wife and daughter. But kill Bradley. We don't need him anymore. I think he is suspicious." I gasped in shock. They are going to kill Bradley. I wish their was something I could do. But unfortunately, I was powerless.

I heard footsteps come into the other room. "You wanted to see me." Bradley asked.

I screamed at the top of my lungs for him to run, but the duct tape was not letting the words come out. "Yes. We promise you your wife and daughter are going to be safe. Goodbye brother." the man told him. I heard a gunshot and knew that Bradley had been shot and killed. I hadn't known I was crying until I felt a warm raindrop fall onto cheek.

'I feel responsible for his death.' I thought to myself. If I had only a little more time with him, maybe I could have convinced him to bring me back to the organization and promise him, his wife, and daughter safety. It's all my fault.

I sat and cried for five minutes. Finally, I convinced myself that this is not my fault. I didn't pull the trigger. His brother did. My sadness turned into anger. I wanted to get my hands on the person who did this. I jerk the chair around like crazy and it still wouldn't budge. I started to cry again. I wasn't going anywhere. What if I am stuck here forever? Because I'm not getting out of here anytime soon.

I stopped crying when the door opened. I quickly shot my head up. I man entered the room with a folding chair. He set the chair up in front of me. He sat down and looked at me. It was too dark in the room for me to tell what he looked like. All I could tell was he was about six foot and had a strong looking body.

After looking at me cry for a minute, he tried to wipe away the tears pouring off my cheeks. I snapped my head in the other direction so he wouldn't touch my face. "Don't be like that Allison. I promise I won't hurt you." I didn't look at his face.

He then pulled my face up so he could see me. I could tell he smiled and then pushed a strand of my dirty blonde hair behind my ear. "You are beautiful, Ali."

I scrunched my nose in disgust. He is such a pervert.

I could tell that he knew I was disgusted of him. "Here. You don't need to be afraid." he said as he slowly ripped the duct tape off my face. Little did he know that with my big fat mouth he should have kept the duct tape on.

"Now that the duct tape is off me, let's have a chat, idiot." I snapped.

"A little frisky, are you now?"

I spit in his face. "A little?" I asked disgusted."You are the one who killed an innocent man. You killed your own brother. And my best friend."

He wiped his face and frowned. Anger washed his face and he looked like a hot chili pepper. "You don't know anything, Ali. I didn't kill Mollie. You killed the person that killed Mollie."

"How do you know her name?!" I shouted.

He didn't answer me. I knew there was only one way he knew Mollies name. Someone in the G.E organization is on his side. He is having inside help. But who is it?


Hey guys! I know! A big twist! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment. Fan. Vote! Have an awesome day/night. :)

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