What do we do now?

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Lance walks into his room to find Keith curled up on his bed. He stops and stares at him for a second then walks closer towards the bed. He gently shakes Keith's shoulder to wake him, he groans softly and turns to face Lance stretching his arms in the process. Keith blinks awake slowly and when he opens his eyes, Lance is leaning over him, he's glad that he's back.

Keith jumps up and wraps his arms around Lance tightly, Lance stumbles back in surprise and almost falls, but regains his balance. He tentatively wraps his arms around Keith in return and then gently pushes him away. Keith gives him a hurt expression, but Lance keeps his face void of emotion.

"Keith, I think it's best if you go back to your own room for tonight." Lance says coldly. Keith blinks and tears begin to form.

"But, I thought you just went to talk to Pidge, that you weren't mad at me." Keith declares, a tear slipping down his cheek, Lance frowns at him.

"I'm not mad at you." He states and Keith's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Then why are you sending me away?" He sobs and Lance sighs.

"Tomorrow you will probably wake up and the effects of the bite will be gone. You won't love me anymore and we can go about our normal lives." Lance gives nothing away with his expression and Keith tears up again.

"What do I need to do to prove that I am in love with you?!" He screams and Lance tries not to let his expression soften.

"Tell me tomorrow when the bite wears off." Lance looks away and then goes to the door. "I think you should go now, I'm tired and want to go to sleep." He says tiredly and Keith lets a few more tears fall, before storming out the door. Lance sighs and collapses on the bed, he is out almost as soon as his head hits the pillow.


Keith goes to his room and all but trashes it. He just doesn't understand how Lance can continue to tell him that he doesn't love him, he's shown him how much he loves him and yet he still doesn't see it. Keith makes his way to Coran's room and knocks softly on the door, Coran opens it with a hop in his step.

"What can I do for you, my boy?" He asks cheerfully when he sees Keith's expression he frowns and ushers him into his room. "What is it?" He asks more seriously and Keith sighs.

"I keep telling Lance how much I love him, and every time I do he insists that I don't. I have proven that I do over and over again, but he still doesn't believe me." Keith's eyes water as he tells Coran. Coran's eyes soften and he sighs.

"If you are bitten by that bug, it doesn't just randomly make you fall in love with someone like I told Lance it did." Coran rubs his neck sheepishly, "The reason you fell in love with Lance was that you were already in love with him, the bug just amplifies those feelings. I figured you wouldn't want anyone to know yet, so I lied to them." Keith stares at Coran angrily.

"If you had told the truth, I wouldn't need to prove anything to Lance!" He states angrily and his tears spill over his cheeks.

"I didn't think you'd want him to know either way." Coran confesses and Keith scoffs and shakes his head.

"You didn't ask me what I thought." He says simply and Coran chuckles.

"No, I guess I didn't. Would you like me to tell Lance the truth?" Coran asks and studies him carefully.

"No, for some reason I feel like I need to tell him myself after you can tell him what the bite really does." Keith shakes his head with a sigh. "I need some sleep, it will probably be hard to sleep without Lance." Keith bids Coran a good night and thanks him for his help.

He heads back to his room slowly, trying to draw it out. He was used to sleeping in Lance's room, beside him. When he reaches his room, he changes into sleepwear and lays on the bed with the lights off, he stares at the ceiling for what feels like forever. He tosses and turns for what must be another hour or two.

Finally, he gives up and gets out of bed. He heads for Lance's room because he won't be able to sleep if Lance isn't beside him, maybe it's just this bite talking, but he doesn't want to leave Lance's side. Ever. Keith quietly enters Lance's room and spots Lance's form on the bed. He's curled up, with a frown on his face, Keith smiles softly and crawls in beside him.

Lance stirs slightly when the bed dips but doesn't wake up. Keith sighs in relief, he lays down beside Lance and moves closer to him, even though his asleep, Lance moves closer to Keith. Lance curls around Keith and puts his head on Keith's chest, Keith is just glad he actually was going to cuddle with him, even in his sleep. 

"Go to sleep." Lance mutters tiredly and Keith jumps a little bit, Lance sighs and burrows closer to Keith. Falling asleep again, Keith smiles again and moves even closer, if that's even possible.

Keith is exhausted, all he did was toss and turn all night. He moves his head into Lance's brown curls and is asleep, Lance tucked between his arms sleeping just as soundly.


Lance wakes up first, he opens his eyes feeling a lightweight on his chest. He looks down to see black curls and pale skin, he smiles. That smiles slowly slips off his face when he realizes that Keith should be back to normal today and he starts to panic. He goes to move, to get Keith off of him and leave the room, pretend he never was never in the room, and that Keith just fell asleep in his room, or something.

"Stop moving Lance." Keith sighs out, moving his head to rest in Lance's neck. He tightens his hold around Lance's waist and only relaxes it when Lance relaxes his body. This is going to end very badly, for Lance.

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