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Lance squirms, trying to lift his hands but Keith keeps them pinned and growls. Lance sighs and narrows his eyes at Keith in his 'I'm mad and if you don't stop I won't forgive you' way. Keith's eyes widen and he lets go almost immediately.

"I'm sorry." Keith says shamefully eyes glued to the floor, he gets off of Lance. Lance sighs again in frustration.

"It's fine just-just don't do that again please." Lance says quietly. Keith frowns and starts heading to his own room, and Lance is mad at himself for feeling disappointed.

"See you in the morning, Keith." Lance says softly, and Keith turns and smiles softly.

"Yeah see you then." Keith replies heading into his room. Lance turns and heads to his room, closing the door and falling asleep almost immediately.


Keith lays in bed for a while, before falling asleep he's very angry. Not really with Lance, but with himself, he just couldn't help it. He wanted to kiss Lance and Lance seemed to be enjoying it, Keith was confused if he liked Keith kissing him why did he reject him? Did he not like him? Keith's chest gives a pang at the thought, and he sneaks out of his room, heading to Lance's.

It's around 3 A.M. (or what would be 3 A.M. back on Earth.) Keith can hear Lance's soft breathing through the door and doesn't want to wake him up, but also doesn't want to just sneak in. He enters and watches Lance move with a furrow in his brows.

"Lance," Keith whispers shaking him, "I need to stay in here, the pain came back." Keith says softly, he knows Lance is a soft sleeper.

"Keith," Lance mumbles sleepily. "What are you doin'?" Lance slurs.

"The pain is back." He says softly and Lance furrows his brows, moves over and lifts the blanket but says nothing. Keith crawls in and as soon as he's in the bed Lance turns away from him and is sleeping again. Keith feels a little hurt by that and touches Lance's shoulder blade, with just the tips of his fingers and sighs in relief when the pain stops.

Lance turns a little to him in his sleep but doesn't turn over, and Keith watches Lance for a second. He looks peaceful and content, no nightmares like Keith sometimes has, slowly Keith falls asleep, with the pain gone he slips into the darkness willingly.


Keith walks down the castle halls, it's oddly quiet and Keith feels unsettled. Where is everyone? Are they okay? Keith checks all over the castle, every room including spare or storage ones that were rarely used. He can't find anyone, not in any room, anywhere.

"Lance?" He calls.

Nothing, no sound.






Still nothing.

Keith begins to panic, what if something happened to them? What if the Galra had them? What if they were hurt? Keith starts breathing heavily and his hands shake, did something happen? He doesn't feel any pain, he seems okay physically.

"NO, stop. Put me down, let go!" A familiar voice cries out, Keith knows that voice.


"Lance?!" Keith yells down the halls, he can hear dragged feet and muffled chatter around the corner and he sprints in that direction.

"Keith!" Lance cries, there's a muffled yelp that follows and Keith pushes his body to move faster, he sees Lance's feet go around the corner and follows, his sword is somehow in his hand. "Keith." It's a whimper a cry for help so small, and it doesn't belong in Lance's voice. He turns and sees Galra soldiers dragging him away.

"Let go of him!" Keith yells, they both turn to him and one smirks, they drop Lance hard and Keith grinds his teeth, he charges them, kills the first one and then his vision tunnels out and he gives into the rage. He slashes without really seeing anything and when his vision clears the Galra is running away without even a scratch and Lance is laying on the floor, crimson staining the white floors of the hanger bay, Keith blinks looks down at his sword and finds it's covered in Lance's blood. He lets out a giant sob and drops his sword, falling to Lance's side on his knees, tears leak from his eyes and Lance is looking at him with betrayal in his eyes, horror and Keith cries harder.

"Why Keith? Why did you kill me?" Lance chokes through a mouthful of blood, Keith stares at him pain blooming through his chest.

"I-I didn't kill you. This must be a dream." Keith mutters, Lance stares at him with terrified eyes.

"You killed me, you stabbed me, slashed at me until I was dead. Why?" Lance sobs, tears spilling from his eyes. Keith watches Lance's face go blank and he sobs.


Keith wakes up with a scream, Lance is in front of him with a worried look on his face. He's on his knees just in front of where Keith had been laying and he looks like when Keith woke up he had a mini heart attack. Keith is breathing heavily and all he can see is Lance's blank face and unseeing eyes. Lance calls his name and Keith leaps at him, wrapping his arms tightly around him. Lance isn't expecting this and falls back on the bed, Keith presses his ear to Lance's chest and circles his arms around his waist, Lance freezes then slowly wraps his arms around Keith's back. Keith still can't believe that he killed Lance, that was a dream, right?

"Keith, what's wrong?" Lance asks softly.

"I killed you. I said I would never hurt you and I did," Keith sobs quietly. "I killed you." He sobs, Lance is very confused and furrows his brows.

"No, Keith I'm right here. What are you talking about?" Lance says softly, Keith is murmuring to himself and crying. Lance is beyond scared. "Maybe we should go see Shiro what do ya think?" Lance asks brightly. Keith looks up at him and stares wide-eyed at him.

"No. No Shiro" Keith mumbles. Lance sighs and nods, stroking Keith's hair and playing with the ends, Lance lays back and Keith places his ear back on his chest. Lance slowly slips into unconsciousness.

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