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Keith pouts all through breakfast and Lance just ignores him unless Keith talks to him, but for the most part, he's talking to the others. He can see Keith glaring at Shiro and frowns, he kicks Keith in the shin under the table but doesn't look up at him. Keith scowls and turns to Lance fixing him with a glare and Lance is fine with that as long as he's not looking at Shiro like that. Keith turns to glare at Shiro again and Lance kicks him again, Keith glares at him.

"What is your problem?" Keith hisses so only Lance can hear. Lance turns his head to look at him.

"Why are you glaring at Shiro?" Lance counters, Keith sighs and turns away from him with a scowl. "I need to talk to Keith quick, we'll be back." Lance says quickly and grabs Keith's wrist dragging him out the door. Keith stumbles a little in surprise but rights himself.

Lance drags Keith a little further from the kitchen so that no one can hear what they're saying, Keith is scowling.

"What's going on with you?" Lance demands as soon as he stops, whirling around to face Keith. Keith stares at him for a moment.

"You want to know why I was glaring at Shiro." It's more a statement than a question.

"Yeah, he's your brother. What did he do?" Lance answers anyways. Keith watches him carefully.

"He's trying to steal you, and apparently it's working." Keith says with a growl, Lance starts to laugh.

"Are you serious? What is going on in that head of yours?" Lances questions in disbelief. "He is not trying to 'steal' me, and I can't believe you think he would like me in that way." Lance continues, adding quotations at 'steal.'

Keith narrows his eyes. "You don't see the way he looks at you. He wants to steal you from me and I won't let him." Keith growls, baring his teeth. Lance rolls his eyes.

"Stop being a drama queen," Lance says hotly. "I'm done with this conversation." Lance sighs, he goes to walk around Keith, but Keith grabs his wrist tightly, Lance winces. Keith tugs Lance back to him and is staring at him, in confusion. Lance raises an eyebrow in question, Keith shakes his head.

"You don't believe me? You think I'd lie?" Keith snaps, offended. Lance groans.

"No, I think you're upset I'm not taking you on the mission and so you think Shiro is trying to split us apart because you don't want to blame me. Even though I offered to go myself." Lance explains Keith's eyes go wide.

"You asked to go on this mission alone, why?" Keith questioned, looking at Lance suspiciously.

"Because everyone else is exhausted." Lance answers. "And I wanted to go back to the planet alone."

Keith frowns "Fine, but that doesn't mean I still think Shiro doesn't like you, cause he does." Keith huffs, Lance is annoyed.

"He doesn't Keith, knock it off. I'm not your possession and you don't own me, Shiro's not trying to steal me because I belong to myself, not you or him, or anyone else. Stop being a possessive asshole." Lance snaps angrily, he's heated glare has Keith shrinking, Lance doesn't normally glare, but when he does it's scary as all hell. "I need to get going, I need to get more flowers for the castle." Lance mumbles.

Keith panics. "I'm sorry," He blurts out quickly, Lance nods and starts heading back to the kitchen. Telling the others he's leaving and heading out to Blue. "I'm sorry." Keith mutters as Lance walks past, Lance's fingers brush against his and Lance smiles softly at him, nodding trying to tell him it's fine.

Lance heads to the hangers, he puts his armour on and goes to Blue. She purrs in the back of his head, sending her recurrences. A smile flickers across Lance's face briefly, he really hopes nothing happens well he's gone. Lance shakes his head trying to rid of his thoughts, he gets into Blue's cockpit and she hums to life.

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