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"Okay, let's get you to the med bay, make sure everything's okay." Lance announces. Keith nods, grabbing Lance's hand and walking through the halls to the med bay.

Pidge is in there already with Coran, they both seem to be setting something up with the controls. Lance nudges Keith and nods his head toward Pidge giving him a look, Keith whines in the back of his throat but clears his throat turning to Pidge.

"Hey Pidge, I'm sorry if I scared you earlier, I know it wasn't right for me to try and attack Hunk. I was just jealous because he was hugging Lance and making him laugh, that's my job." Keith pouts, out of the corner of his eye he catches Lance's eyes widen before a pleased smile stretches across his face. Keith grins, proud that he made Lance smile. Pidge turns to him slowly, eyeing him carefully.

"It's fine, but if you hurt anyone, including Lance. I won't forgive you." Pidge glared at Keith, pushing her glasses up. "And I'll kick your ass." She continued, still glaring at him before turning back to her gadgets.

"I would never hurt Lance!" Keith answers, sounding almost offended. "I love him too much." Keith said finally. To his left where Lance was standing, he heard an intake of breath and then him clearing his throat.

"So," Lance drawled out, "What kind of tests are you doing Pidge?" His face was turning a very deep red, and Pidge suppressed a laugh.

"Blood test and a brain scan," She answered, she turned to Keith. "As long as that's alright with you?" She questioned. Keith watched her carefully before responding.

"Yeah sure, as long as Lance stays in the room." Keith said, glancing to his left. Lance nodded at him in confirmation. Pidge sighed, in what sounded like exhaustion.

"Oh quiznack," Coran said suddenly startling them all. They all turned to him and gave him a confused look. "I think, I might just know what bit Number 2." He said to them.

"Which would be?" Pidge questioned, blinking at him.

"A love bug." Coran declared. Lance blinked.

"I'm sorry love what now?!" He declares. Coran smiles at him.

"Well Number 3, it's a small bug. When it bites it's host the person they," Coran cuts off glancing at Keith quickly before continuing. "The first person they see, they fall in love with. I think King Alfor got bit once, when he was married too, caused quite an issue with their marriage actually if I remember correctly." Coran mutters, remembering his time on Altea.

"Is there a cure?" Pidge offers, just what Lance had been thinking. It made a bit more sense as to why Keith was acting this way, he would never like Lance.

"No, it just wears off. It was too dangerous to make a cure, I believe it was made at one point and they used it, causing the host immense pain until they died." Coran explains a little too cheerfully. "It's safer to just let it wear off." He concludes, eyeing Keith carefully.

Lance sighs. "How long does it normally last?" He asks curiously. Coran looks at him and gives an apologetic look.

"About one movement" Coran says quietly. Lance stares at him for a dobosh expecting him to say he's kidding, Coran twines his moustache around his finger nervously.

"You're not kidding. This thing lasts a week!" Lance exclaims in a panic.

"Chill dude, at least it wears off." Pidge grumbles, moodily.

"Well," Coran draws out, the three paladins look at him. "It gets worse as the movement progresses and for some people, it takes two movements." Coran continues. Lance and Pidge stare at him, in bewilderment, however a certain red paladin, stares at a certain blue paladin, wanting to hug and give him love, and drag him away from everyone to protect him from everything, he holds back on that staring at Lance longingly.

"What if I just locked myself in my room until the week is over?" Lance asks Keith's eyes widen and he feels them burn, tears welling in them. Does Lance really hate him that much? Coran frowns disapprovingly.

"Are you crazy? You did see what he tried to do to Hunk when he thought he was hiding you." Pidge accuses glaring at Lance, Keith is about to interject, but Coran beats him to it.

"I second that, as well as he will get moody, violent and might even start experiencing pain that only you can sooth." Coran says thoughtfully, Lance winces then sighs.

"Good point." He says frowning. Keith feels a tear fall down his face and he quickly wipes it away.

Shiro and Hunk enter the med bay and everyone turns to them, they have some of the flowers that the castle needed, Hunk hands them off to Coran. Lance shoots Keith a look, narrowing his eyes at him, Keith knows what that look is for. He turns to both of them and clears his throat, they turn and stare at him curiously.

"I'd like to apologize to both of you," Keith starts, glancing a Lance, he nods at him. "Shiro I'm sorry for ignoring you when you were talking to me and for scaring you." Keith continues, he sees Lance grinning at him and for some reason that gives him courage, he turns to Hunk.

"Hunk, I'm very sorry for growling, snapping and trying to attack you. It was uncalled for and I should have just spoken to you, I'm sorry if I scared you. I was just jealous." Keith goes on to explain. Hunk furrows his brows and looks confused about something, while Shiro just gaps at Keith in surprise. He hardly ever apologized to anyone, Hunk eyed him and cleared his throat.

"Right, right and what exactly were you jealous of?" He asks Keith curiously. Keith looks at him like he's lost it, and Lance clears his throat, Keith looks at him and Lance nods toward Hunk and narrows his eyes at Keith. Keith shrinks back with a little whine, that is only heard by himself.

"You hugging Lance and making him laugh." Keith mumbles, he's tired of going over it and he's only said it twice now. Hunk stares at him for a long moment, glancing in Lance's direction seeming still very confused. Keith looks back at Lance and sees Lance shoot him a very proud smile, which makes him perk up a little.

"I'm sorry, can someone explain this?" Hunk says eyeing the others suspiciously."I thought Keith hated Lance and vice versa and that's why they always argue." Hunk declared furrowing his brow. Keith gasps at Hunk and the group of humans (and one Altean) turn to stare at him.

"No, I love Lance!" Keith exclaims, glaring at Hunk, he rushes over to Lance and wraps him in a hug. "Please don't listen to him, I love you, I love you so much." Keith mutters into Lance's jacket. Lance furrows his brows.

"But he's right Keith, you don't actually love me. It's the bug, you hate me actually, you think I'm annoying and obnoxious, you can't stand being near me too long, I get on your nerves." Lance says, eyeing Keith. He whines and looks up at Lance with tears in his eyes, Coran inhales sharply overhearing what Lance has said.

"I d-don't h-hate you. I love you Lance!" Keith yells the last part, letting the tears fall freely from his eyes. Lance looks at him in surprise, Keith never cries, if he does it's away from others.

"Hey don't cry Keith Dios, you might think you love me, but you don't." Lance sighs. Coran is looking at Lance frantically. He rushes over and leans in Lance's ear.

"Lance, you can't reject him. The pain remember?" Coran whispers hurriedly. Lance's eyes widen in realization. As if on queue Keith yelps a hand coming to his chest and he whimpers in pain, Lance turns to Coran.

"What do I do?!" He asks crouching beside Keith's hunched frame. The others who were all talking turned their attention to Keith, pausing what they were talking about. Pidge was probably telling them what was going on with Keith. 'This is utter hell' Lance thought to himself. Keith hunches over, clawing at his chest.

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