Keith's excitement

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Lance exits Keith's room and heads to the kitchen to put away their dishes to later be washed after that's done, he heads towards Shiro's room to talk to him about Keith. Lance exhales, he's nervous about this all. He walks up to the door and reaches out and knocks gently, Shiro opens the door and Lance smiles shyly at him. Shiro looks surprised to see him but smiles back all the same.

"What can I do for you, Lance?" Shiro questions, with a small tilt of his head. Which Lance thinks is adorable.

"I think we should let Keith out of his room," Lance blurts out, he knows he'll freeze up if he doesn't just say it. Shiro narrows his eyes a little and before he can say anything, Lance rushes to continue. "As long as he doesn't try to harm anyone on the team, and if it helps I'll stay with him at all times. Not when he's asleep, or in the bathroom obviously, but when he's around the others." Lance babels, Shiro looks confused for a second and looks at Lance curiously.

"Why do you suddenly want him to be out of his room? Didn't you agree to keep him there until we could either trust him or the bite wore off?" Shiro asks raising an eyebrow at Lance.

Lance nods in confirmation, then explains. "It's just, he always wants me to stay with him, but I really don't want to. He keeps trying to kiss  me, or hug me and it gets to be too much."

Shiro gives him a look like he knows the only reason why it gets to be too much is that Lance has a crush on Keith. Lance flushes in embarrassment.

"Why don't we go talk to the others and make sure they're okay with it." Shiro smiles softly at Lance and Lance nods in agreement.

They head toward the common area, where Pidge and Hunk are. Allura and Coran weren't in the castle at the moment. Shiro and Lance approach them, Pidge and Hunk look up and they both have matching grins.


"You want to what?!" Pidge demands, eyes wide. "Are you forgetting that he tried to attack Hunk and DID attack Shiro?" She raises an eyebrow at both of them. Lance nods guiltily.

"Which is why we're asking you guys if you would trust him with another chance." Shiro declares, and Lance nods in agreement.

"I'll make sure that I'm with him, so he can't hurt anyone." Lance interjects and Pidge studies them carefully, while Hunk shifts from one foot to the other.

"Hunk what do you think?" Shiro asks, with a soft expression. Hunk watches them all, thinking over his answer.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I'll be terrified of him at first, but I'll get over it. I think it's fine, plus he won't hurt anyone with Lance around." Hunk responds softly, with a nod towards Lance.

"Pidge what do you think?" Shiro questions, turning his gaze to her, she sighs.

"If you and Hunk are okay with it, then fine." She says, she turns to look at Lance with a serious expression. "You better make sure he doesn't hurt anyone though." She glares lightly at him and Lance nods.

"What do you think Shiro?" Hunks asks, Shiro tilts his head again and thinks carefully about the question.

"I think, he'll be fine as long as Lance is around. Right now I don't trust Keith, but I trust Lance." Shiro says, he turns and smiles lightly at Lance. Lance nods and smiles back, happy that they all trust him.

"Alright, Lance go get Keith then." Pidge declares, pushing her glasses up her nose.


Lance walks down the castle hallway, playing with his fingers and trying to remain calm. He takes a deep breath before, knocking on Keith's door and walking in when Keith allows him to. Lance smiles when he walks in, facing Keith whose laying on his bed watching Lance curiously, with a soft smile. 

"I have some good news." Lance says to Keith and grins at him, Keith tilts his head, something that Lance thinks he probably picked up from Shiro. 

"What is it?" Keith asks, standing up and moving to stand in front of Lance.

"If you promise not to hurt anyone again, you can stay out of your room." Lance grins and Keith breaks into a large smile, he wraps Lance in his arms for a hug with a laugh. Lance laughs too and they stand there for a second hugging.

Keith backs up to look up at Lance. "You're being serious?" He questions, his face losing the smile, Lance frowns.

"Yeah, I talked to the rest of the team and they approved the idea." Lance replies with a proud smirk. Keith narrows his eyes at Lance in suspicion.

"What did you think?" He tilts his head again and Lance blushes and looks away.

"It was my idea." He mumbles, Keith pauses and stares at Lance for a second, before jumping to hug him again. Lance stumbles a little, taken by surprise.

"Can we go out now?" Keith questions and Lance smiles and nods his head, Keith grabs his hand and leads him out of the room, which lets him out of it this time.

He leads Lance to the training room, and Lance is suddenly nervous. Does Keith want to train with Lance, he's pretty aggressive when it comes to training.

"Want to train with me?" Keith asks innocently, and when he asks like that how can Lance say no?

"Yeah, sure." Lance responds, fidgeting with his hands. Keith grins broadly at Lance and Lance can't help but crack a smile.


They start with hand to hand combat, which Lance is actually somewhat better at than the rest of the training Keith likes to do, he obviously hardly beats Keith, because hello this is Keith we're talking about here. He does block a lot of his hits though and avoids being thrown around too much. Sort of, and sometimes when Keith does get him to the ground they both end up laughing at each other on the floor, in whatever position they landed in.

Keith helps Lance get to his feet and they go for another round of sparing. Lance blocks most of the hits fairly well, but Keith is Keith and becomes just a little bit more aggressive, trying to win the match. He sweeps under Lance's feet to which Lance jumps and then he right hooks Lance, which lands, he then sweeps his leg casing Lance to fall to the floor roughly.

Lance's breath is knocked out of him and he smacks his head against the floor hard, causing black spots to pass through his vision. Lance groans and lays there, Keith runs to his side in a panic.

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