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Lance sighs as he drags Keith with him, Keith wouldn't let go of him for even a second, he was pretty much-getting part of a piggyback ride. Lance turns to Keith and frowns at him.

"Can you please walk beside me?" Lance whines, Keith's weight and his own with the sun beating down on them is making it hard to walk, Lance is overheating.

Keith pouts at him but moved to his side and grabs his hand in his own, holding on tightly. Lance sighs in relief. Lance couldn't handle Keith's affection, he already had a crush on him and had been covering it up, with the whole rivalry thing. Why did this have to happen to him? What had he done to deserve this?

They continued through the dried dirt, to the Red lion. Red's eyes light up as soon as they round the corner of trees, Keith smiled at Red and looked like he was back to normal. He released Lance's hand and ran up to Red, Lance felt relieved, this means maybe it isn't such a bad effect. After he went up to Red he turned back to Lance and smiled that same fond expression still on his face, Lance sighed. Guess he's not back to normal, Lance ran up to the Red lion and his paladin, with a small smile.

"Alright, get us out of here," Lance said smiling lightly. "When we do get back to the castle, please let Coran and Pidge check on you, just to make sure the bug wasn't dangerous. Without argument." Lance sighs, walking with Keith to the cockpit of the lion. Keith turns his head to him and gives a small smile as he sits in Red's seat.

"As long as you stay with me, I'll do whatever you want." Keith responds with a smirk and winks at him. Lance feels the heat rise to his face and turns his head away, clearing his throat. Keith smiles Lance is so adorable.

The Red lion pulls into his hanger and opened his mouth, Keith grabbed Lance's hand and pulled him out of Red by his hand. Lance didn't know where Keith was taking him, but let himself be dragged hoping he'd be going by the med bay. Pidge and Shiro walked down the halls toward them, Shiro glanced down at their hands in each other's and frowns, it wasn't like Keith to hold hands. Pidge giggled when she saw their hands, winking at Lance, which causes his face to heat up, turning a pinkish colour, which Keith thought was cute. Shiro came up to Keith and started talking to him, Lance slipped his hand out of Keith's and walked over to Pidge.

"Hey, I think, I should go back to Nalara and get the flower we need," Lance said, eyeing Pidge. "Can you make sure Keith gets to the med bay so you can check out the bite?" Lance continued. Pidge raised a brow but nodded.

"Do you want to take Hunk with you?" She asked, glancing at Keith and Shiro over Lance's shoulder, Keith kept glancing over at them he didn't seem very interested in whatever Shiro was saying.

"Uh sure, but we have to make sure not to take our helmets off, don't want to be bitten by the same bug as Keith." Lance chuckled nervously, Pidge grinned at him.

"Okay, I'll go grab Hunk." Pidge declared, winking at him and running off.

"Keith!" Shiro called, Lance turned around to be knocked on his butt, as Keith ran to hug him. He gasps in surprise. Keith wraps his arms around Lance's neck, and his legs around his hips, like a toddler, burying his face in Lance's neck, sighing happily.

"Keith, Buddy whatcha doing?" Lance asks breathing shakily, he spots Shiro over Keith's shoulder and mouths help me. Keith doesn't respond just hugs him tighter.

"Keith, come on give Lance some space." Shiro says using his 'Dad voice' Keith doesn't respond only hugs Lance even tighter. Lance sighs, motioning for Shiro to grab Keith.

"Keith I need to go back to the planet we were just on, you need to let go." Keith makes a sound like a whine in the back of his throat, frowning and not moving. Lance nods at Shiro, who comes up behind Keith, prying him off of Lance. Keith whines and complains, but Shiro holds him tight as he kicks and tries to get back to Lance. Lance sighs knowing he'll regret this, he stands up and looks Keith in the eye.

"When I get back you can hug me all you want." Lance smiles awkwardly. Keith breaks into a small smile, and stops moving in Shiro's arms, Shiro looks at Lance in surprise and Lance just shrugs.

"Hey, is Keith alright?" Hunk's voice comes from down the hallway, Lance looks up and smiles at his best friend, he needs a Hunk hug right now. Lance walks up to him wrapping his arms around Hunk and sighs, Hunk wraps his arms around Lance giving him a bear hug. "You alright, Bud?" Hunk asks quietly.

"Yeah, just needed one of your hugs." Lance says smiling into Hunk's chest. Keith watches as Lance hugs Hunk and feels a strong rage of jealousy coarse through him, he squirms in Shiro's arms, but Shiro tightens his hold. Hunk picks Lance up and spins him around and Lance laughs joyfully, Keith feels his eyes burn, he should be the one making him laugh not Hunk.

Keith feels a tear fall, and he growls, startling Shiro into loosening his hold. It's enough for Keith to slip through his arms, quickly walking over to Lance, Shiro's eyes widen.

"Lance!" He calls, Lance turns his head quickly seeing Keith approach and he looks pissed, Lance hides behind Hunk and Hunk seems to understand who he's hiding from because he blocks Lance and doesn't move. Keith growls and tries to move around Hunk, but when he gets around him Lance isn't there, he growls again getting angry, he will hurt anyone who keeps him away from Lance.

"Where is the Hunk?" Keith growls, his voice sounds inhuman and Hunk shrinks back, but shrugs. "You're hiding him aren't you?" Keith grinds his teeth. He pulls his bayard out of his armour and raises it at Hunk, Hunk gaps at him. Behind him, Shiro is yelling at Keith, but he ignores him and moves forward. He almost strikes Hunk with his sword, when Lance jumps in front of him.

"I'm right here Keith, please don't hurt Hunk. I hid myself." Lance says quickly, Keith has stopped his sword in mid-air, trying not to hurt his love.

He smiles warmly at him and deactivates his bayard, Lance sighs in relief. He stares at Keith and Keith stares back, Keith looks over his shoulder and glares at Hunk. He turns back to Lance and steps forward wrapping his arms around Lance, in a hug. Lance stills, doesn't move an inch and Keith grins, happy that he doesn't try to get away.

"Mine," Keith growls into Lance's neck, loud enough for the others to hear, they all take a step back, away from Keith and Lance, including Shiro.

"Uh, Pidge I think Shiro and Hunk should go get the flower." Lance says quietly. Pidge nods frantically, shooting said people a look to get going, Keith keeps an eye on both of them, glaring.

Lance wraps his arms around Keith's back and Keith snuggles closer. Lance glances at Pidge mouthing med bay she nods in understanding and heads toward the end of the hall. Hopefully, she'll grab Coran, Lance looks at Keith.

"What was that all about?" Lance mumbles to him, Keith looks up at him and frowns.

"They were trying to keep us away from each other." Keith says, dully like it makes all the sense in the world.

"Keith, they weren't trying to keep us away from each other it's just, this isn't you and the team doesn't want you to do anything you might regret." Lance says backing away to see Keith. "When they get back you need to apologize okay?" Lance says more softly. Keith looks up at him and smiles, nodding his head.

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