Kisses and Confessions

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The three of them get to the lounge, and sure enough, the rest of the Paladins, as well as, Allura and Coran are there. They are all chatting and having fun, Coran was in the middle of one of his very elaborate stories, something about a girl he tried to court throwing both her heels at his head and storming away. The Paladins and Allura burst out laughing at the face Coran makes and when he says he doesn't quite understand why she threw her shoes, they laugh harder. Lance has a fond smile on his face at the sight. It reminds him of his Abuela throwing her shoes around.

"Back on Earth, whenever my Grandma would get mad she would throw her shoes at you. It was scary because she always hit you, her accuracy was always spot on, my sister Veronica and I made an inside joke that, that's probably where we both get our amazingly good aim from." Lance laughs with a fond look, the Paladins and Alteans laugh with him.

"Oh my gosh, I remember when I was at your house once and your Grandma did that. You were so embarrassed and started yelling at her in Spanish, she ended up throwing that shoe at your head and yelling back at you in Spanish." Hunk laughs and Lance reddens at the memory.

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish Lance." Shiro declares and Lance looks at him and smiles. Keith for some reason feels proud that he knew that and Shiro didn't.

"Yeah, most of my family does. I don't speak it much, unless I'm really angry or upset, or if I'm around my family." Lance says and Shiro smiles.

Coran and Allura have confused looks on their faces. "What is this Spanish?" Allura asks brows furrowed. Lance gasps and places a hand over his heart as if he's offended.

"What is- what is Spanish?" Lance gaps at them both. "Only the greatest language in the world and not to mention the dancing and singing. Oh, it's the best." Lance sighs happily just by talking about it, and Keith gives him a fond look.

"It's a language?" Coran asks, "you speak it don't you, my boy?" Coran stares at him in awe for a second.

"You should say something, so we know what this 'Spanish' sounds like." Allura gasps, eyes hopeful.

"Oh genial, ellos no saben qué es el español. ¿Que haré ahora? Gente inútil." Lance sighs, the words rolling off his tongue smoothly Allura and Coran look at him in amazement and Lance smiles at them.

"Keep going." Allura says excitedly.

"¿Por qué quieren que yo hable Español? Esto me hace extrañar la tierra. ¿Qué más hay que decir? Menos mal que nadie más habla Español." Lance stares at them and smiles. They are all staring at him in awe.

Lance blushes and averts his gaze from the rest of them, Allura and Coran seem to be trying to think of other questions to ask. Keith just stares at him with a fond look in his eyes, that's a little too hard to look at, Hunk just smirks and looks proud. Pidge and Shiro are smiling, looking at him in amazement too.

"How many languages are on Earth?" Coran questions and the Paladins think about it for a minute.

"6,500 languages I think." Pidge answers and both of the Alteans eyes widen in disbelief.

"That's a lot. Do all humans speak all of those languages?" Allura says, and Lance laughs softly.

"Of course not, Earth is a big planet and most humans haven't been everywhere there is to be. Although some humans learn other languages anyway, just for either something new or if they need to know it for their jobs." Lance explains and Keith watching Lance smile and laugh feels jealous that, that smile isn't directed at him.

"That sounds very exciting." Coran grins and Lance nods in agreement. Shiro's stomach grumbles and he reddens with embarrassment, they all laugh in amusement.

"I believe it is time to go make some dinner." Hunk says and gets up from his side of the couch. The others all nod in agreement, Lance still hasn't eaten all day, and he's starving.

The rest of them stay quiet until Coran says he should probably go help Hunk with the food. Shortly after, Pidge says she has work to do, she drags Shiro with her. Allura says she also has some stuff to do, then it's just Keith and Lance. Lance isn't as stupid as everyone thinks, he sees what they're doing and he laughs.

Keith watches Lance carefully, and then walks over to him, he sits beside Lance and then doesn't know what to say to him. Anything he had thought of flew out the window the moment he was close enough to talk to Lance, Keith wants to smack himself but refrains from making himself look like an idiot, well more of one anyways.

"I like when you speak Spanish," Keith confesses and he smiles very softly at Lance. "It sounds nice and rolls off your tongue very smoothly." Lance laughs.

"Cualquier cosa por ti, mi amor." Lance announces and Keith smiles and blushes. He really wants to kiss Lance.

"Can I kiss you?" Keith whispers and Lance falters, he doesn't say a word and he is stock-still. "I mean, um never mind forget I said anything." Keith denies it quickly.

"Keith, you know that I want to, it's just I don't want to take advantage of you well the bite is in effect. If you didn't actually feel this way, you would hate me when you are back to normal and that would break my heart." Lance counters and he sighs at Keith's disappointed look.

"I felt this before the bite though." Keith responds and Lance eyes him doubtfully.

"I can't know that for sure while you're under the bites-" Keith surges forward and stops Lance from continuing, Lance stops talking immediately and stills, his body becoming tense.

Keith goes to pull away sensing his tension, but Lance tangles his fingers in Keith's hair and kisses him back like Keith is his oxygen and Keith muffles a surprised noise inside Lance's mouth. They are a mess of tongues and lips biting, hair pulling and wanting more. Lance knows he should pull away, tell Keith that they can't do this, especially right now, but he doesn't, he can't. He doesn't want to, they continue kissing, Lance bites Keith's bottom lip and sucks it into his mouth and Keith moans softly into it.

Keith shifts his weight closer to Lance and then straddles his waist, and Lance grabs his hips, trying to pull him even closer, which seems impossible considering they're chest to chest. Keith moans again as Lance sucks on his lip and finally, finally they pull away for air, both panting for air, there's a cough from the door and they both look up to see Pidge standing there, they both redden and she coughs again.

"I need eye bleach to unsee that, not that I have anything against it but, you both are my family so, anyway it's time for dinner." She rambles, the tips of her ears red, she stalks out of the room quickly. Keith and Lance make eye contact and burst out laughing.

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