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All Jimin had to do was look at you and you knew you were in for it. He just had this look on his face. It wasn't his typical 'I'm mad' or 'what the fuck face'. It was completely different and in all honesty, you were scared.

But he can't do anything to you right? Because you guys are not together and he would never lay a hand on you cause you were his bestest friend.

As soon as Jimin walked inside the lounge he immediately pulled you over to him by snatching your hand from the table. It wasn't harsh, at all. It was just to let you know that he was angry. You could hear him breathing all hard from where you were looking at the back of his neck.

"H-hyung where are we going?" You said looking at the hand that was being pulled by Jimin.

He didn't respond so you just shrugged and let him drag you. You look back at the table you were just sitting at and seen Taehyung there and hoseok and taemin no where to be seen.

"We're going to the restroom." He grumbled

"What? The restroom? Ew" You whine. You knew Jimin had probably rolled his eyes but you didn't care, a restroom? Really?

You guys had finally reached the restroom and by the time Jimin opened the door he had already pushed you inside. He walked in after you and locked the door, his eyes closed and his mouth set in a hard line.

After about two minutes you started to get nervous. Well, you already were nervous but it was even more now because he was standing in front of you with his eyes closed. Which was very intimidating, might you add.


"Shutup and sit down m/n"

You frown and nod, but still sit down on the small bathroom booth silently. He began to pace back in forth before completely stopping and looking at you.

"Why are you here" He asked. His tone flat.

"What do you oh so mean?"

He took a deep breath before raking his hand through his hair. "Stop fucking playing m/n. Why are you here. I thought you were so called in trouble?"

You lower you head and unconsciously let your lip fall in between your teeth.

"Take it out" he commanded. "Take what out?" You ask.

"Take your lip from between your teeth." You let your lip fall and look up at Jimin.

"Now, answer my question"

" I lied" you whisper.

"What?" He asks stepping closer to you.

"I lied! 'm sorry hyung" You whine locking your eyes with Jimin.

"You didn't only lie to me, but you lied to Taehyung too. He was, um sad." he said. His tone still flat.

"I didnt! I was with chimin before he left! I promise" You say lowering your head.

Jimin squeezes his hands into fist and walks over to you. He grabs your chin powerfully forcing you to look at him.

"Babyboy" he says staring at you right in your  eyes.

At that point you started to breathe really fast. You couldn't even talk because he had just froze you in the moment. "What do you think we should do about you lying to me?"

"I-i thi-in-" he shushes you sitting his warm finger over your lips.

"Mhm soft" he grumbles. You nod, your lips were soft. Hopefully he could try them out when he had the chance.

"I like your lips." He says still staring at them. You again let your lip fall in between teeth.

You didn't mean to, you just sometimes did it while looking at or just thinking about Jimin and you didn't know why.

A muscle in his jaw twitched as he looked at you. "Take it out"

You take your lip out your teeth and look up at Jimin who still had his hand under your chin. "I think you should have a punishment for lying"

"Oh no please don't tell Jungkook, I don't want to be grounded again" you whimper. Jimin let go of your chin and stood up fixing his jeans on his self.

"Jungkook won't be doing the punishment, and you won't be grounded"

"Then who will do it?" You question clearly confused.



"I will do it. You clearly need to be punished. okay?"

Jimin punishing you? How does that sound. You never knew Jimin like to punish people but whatever it will take for him not to be mad at you anymore. What kind of punishment would he give to you? Maybe doing all of his homework? Yeah, sure.

"Okay." You say nodding.

"I'll do it later, Because first I have a question."

"Okay hyung you can ask me" You say lifting your shoulders to give a small shrug.

"Have you ever kissed someone?" He asks jamming his hands into his pockets.


"Wh- huh? Have I ever kissed someone?" You repeat. He responds with a nod.

"Y-Yes but it was a while ago, like sixth grade." You pout. "Why are you asking this hyung? It's embarrassing enough that it was a long time ago."

He ignores the question and chews on his bottom lip moving to come and sit next to you. He then pulled your body his way so you both were facing each other.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm asking because suddenly I have the urge to kiss you."

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