thruth or dare with the family

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"Wake up Kiera." I hear lexi say.
"No im tired." I say as i pull my covers over my head.
"Ok... The only reason you are tired is because you were up all nite watchin the packs videos." Keylie says.
"Fudge off no I wasnt." I say.
"Did you steal that from my brother?" Keylie asked me.
"No ive been saying fudge instead of the f word since i was about 9." I say as i get out of bed and wrap my harry potter blanket around me as i go to walk downstairs.
"I take it she didnt want to get out of bed?" I hear someone say.
"No she did not mom." Keylie says.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP UNTIL I GET MY MORNING COCOA!" I screamed as i made my way to the kitchen.
"Ok ok ok calm down child." Lexi says.
I get my hot cocoa and turn the tv on to see that they are having a harry potter marothon and i almost screamed.
"What is going on?" I hear a farmilar voice say.
"Well Kiera is a grumpy cat because she didnt sleep last night and now she is watching harry potter." Keylie says.
"Ok." Preston says as he suts on the couch next to me.
"Kiera get off your ass we are going shopping today." Lexi says.
"Let me think about it... No i am just fine sitting here watching movies all day." I say as i go put my cup in the sink.
"Ughhhh... Fine Kiera." Lexi says as she storms off to her room.
"Kiera since you are staying here what are you ganna do?" Keylie asked.
" i might record some murder mystery for my channel." I say as i go to my room.
~after the video~
"Ughhhh... It's only 1:30... Well i guess i could set up a movie night for all ove us." I say as i run aroung collecting all the blankets and pillowes in the hous.
After i set up the movie area on the floor every one comes home.
"What is this?" Lexi and Keylie ask at the same time.
"Well i finished recording and editing early so i set up a movie night." I say sitting down.
"Ok, just dont be too loud." Mrs. arsement says.
"Ok." We all say at the same time
After about 2 movies preston comes out of his room.
"Why is everyon laughing?" He asked.
"We just finished watching the lego movie." I managed to say between laughs.
"Well I have an idea on what we can do to be quiet." He says.
"And that is?" Keylie asked.
"To play Truth or Dare." He says as he sits between the spot i was in and lexi.
"WAIT DID I HEAR SOMEONE SAY DARE OR DARE?!" I shout as i run back to my spot.
"Ummm... No." Preston said.
"Oh well you dont know this about me but when i play truth or dare its basically dare ir dare for me." I say sitting down.
"Oh... Well Truth or dare Keylie?"
"Who Is your best friend out of Lexi and Kiera." Preston says.
"Hmmm... Myself." Keylie says.
"Ok whatever."
"Truth or dare Kiera."
"Is that even a question? DARE."
"I dare you to give preston your number." Keylie says.
"Wow real smooth on not telling me you ship us." I say sarcastically.
"Seeing as you have known that i ship you two since like day 1 yeah." Keylie says.
I roll my eyes and put my number in prestons phone.
"Truth or dare lexi." I ask
"I dare you to go get in the hot tube for 10 minutes then jump in the pool and stay ther for 3 minutes then i want you to stand in the cold air and sing drag me down." I say as i lay back on the floor.
Everyone just looks at me like im crazy.
"What kind of a dare is that???" Preston says.
"Look when someone says dare to me... I go all out as in there is no way you will get an easy dare from me." I say as lexi does her dare.
After about 3 more rounds of truth or dare we all fell asleep.
I woke up to cameras flashing.
"WHAT THE FUDGE IS GOING ON." I whisper shouted.
"You fell asleep and i guess preston snuggled up to you." Keylie says.
"Ughhh... Just let me sleep." I said as i walked off to my room.


Hey please tell me what you think and if anything is spelt wrong or someones name is spelt wrong please let me know you input is appriciated

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