Vacay away from the family (part 3)

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*Reid's POV*

I'm just chatting with Ashley and i hear Saige to get her in the truck cause the twins are coming today. I ask Ashley "You hear the Ash the twins are coming today? TODAY!!!!" so Ashley, Jimmy, and i all help Saige get into the truck. After we get her in i tell Jimmy to drive sence he knows where the hosptial is. I also say that Ashley and i will follow him. When Ashley and I get into Paul's truck i send my mom, dad, kP, and np a group text saying "We haven't been here for an hour and Saige is already in labor." With in minutes I get a text from them all

Neil: Thats awesome news brotherman we'll fly out in the morning or when she has the twins.
Kim: Yeah i side with Neil on this keep us updated on Saige rp.
Marie: Oh my first grandkids are already coming. yeah keep us posted and updated hun.
Steve: Yeah we'll be there first thing. You'll be a great dad i know it cause we raised you right.
Reid: Planing on keeping ya'll updated. Love ya'll.

We drive a few more miles and only thing i can think of is Saige and my twins. "Reid, i'll get Paul, Andy, Tre, Sara, Eric, and Chris when i drop you off and tell them shes in labor." I hear Ash say "Sounds like a plan Ash" I look over and she her grinning with excitement. "Sara, Eric, and Andy?" i say to Ashley but it cames out more of a question.

*Ashley's POV*

I'm just chatting and chilling with reid when we hear REID GET ME TO THE TRUCK!!!!! Reid, Jimmy and I all jump up and help her into the Truck once we get her into the truck Reid says that we'll follow them. So when I see truck leave i start up Paul's truck. We drive and i see reid texting his family to say Saige is in labor, after i know he sent it his phone beeps 4 times singling he has texts from his family. after a few minutes i see reid sitting there so i say after i drop you off i'll hunt down Paul, Andy, Tre, Eric, and Chris and tell them that Saige is in labor. "Sara, Eric, and Andy" I hear reid ask. "Oh that's right you don't know about them" I say to him that "Sara is Jimmy's girlfriend, Eric is the new worker. And we just hired Andy to help us on gator calls and everything." He understands and goes back to thinking about his twins that'll be born soon.

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