The show, Watching Heaven is For Real and the question

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-2 hours later-

*Reid's POV*

We are watching the show it's around a minute long. The tricks she does are

The Florida Smile: where you show all 80 teeth to the public eye.

The Head to Mouth: where she sticks her head in the mouth of the gator a second or two.

The Face-Off: what you rest your chin on the mouth of of the gator and hold it for 2-3 second.

Hand to Mouth: where you hold your hand in the mouth of the gator and pull away.

I have to admit its a scary thing I see but it's very cool. After Saige exits the pit I am there to greet her with a hug. She accepts it. We stay in that embrace for a few minutes than I ask if she wants to go out for a bit. She laughs and drags me to the truck. I laugh and get in. Where do you wanna go? She texts me "I say the cinema to see 'Heaven is For Real'." I say "good idea" we drive to the cinema. I sneak a peek at Saige, and she's smiling away in the shotgun seat. Okay I really love this lady.

*Saige's POV*

I'm riding shotgun seat with my hair flying in the wind. I look and I see Reid looking at me. I just smile known be probably likes me, cause he's looking at me quite a bit. I notice the cinema coming up and look to Reid and smile. Reid turns into the parking lot, we find a place close to the doors. He parks the truck I get out and wait for Reid. I walk with Reid into the cinema and we get our tickets for 'Heaven is For Real' go into the 3rd theatre. I sit beside Reid. We watch the previews just waiting for the movie to start. Once the movie starts I get so lost into it that I don't even realize it's over. It's that good.

*Reid's POV*

We get the tickets for 'Heaven is For Real' my guess is Saige has been dying to see it cause she grabbed my arm and ran to the theatre. I laugh to myself and we get seated. The previews just started so we set and wait until the previews end. Once the movie starts I get lost in it 2 hours felt like 30 minutes the movie is that good. Once we exit the building I snake my arm around her wrist. I ask her the question I've been dying to ask her. I ask her if she will be my girlfriend. She looks at my for a second and texts back "yes yes yes a million times yes." I smile, hug her, and kiss the top of her head saying you have no idea how happy I am right now. With that we head and get into the truck.

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