Getting to know the family and mall visit with Ashley

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*Saige's POV*

"Saige come on help with the Gators." My dad Jimmy yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "I'll be right down after I finish my homework, until than get Paul Bedard to help you." I yelled from my room. "Okay than sweetie, homework comes first, gators come second." I heard my dad walk out the door, to ask Paul for help. Oh I forgot to mention that Paul Bedard is a good friend of my dads he's also like a second dad to me. I put on The Band Perry and start singing along to Don't Let Me Be Lonely 🎶 Well there's nothing to hide and nothing to prove. Give me all that you are. You've got nothing to lose. Just don't let me be lonely. No don't let me be lonely.🎶 I always imagine Reid locking eyes with mine and singing Don't Let Me Be Lonely. I shake away those thoughts cause I know it'll never happen. With that I get back to work on my homework.

-90 minutes later-

I just finished the last line of my report when Ashley Lawrence comes running into my room holding what looks like VIP passes. Oh Ashley is a worker for my dad and Paul while her and I have been friends since she started working at Everglades Holiday Park. "Umm Ash what are you holding in your hand?" I asked her. "Guess who's going to see and meet The Band Perry?" She says. "NO WAY SHUT UP YOU SERIOUS!" I yelled from way to much excitement. "We need to go and get cute outfit that will pull Reid's eyes to you." Well Ashley's the only girl who knows I love Reid Perry, so she wants to make sure my outfit is hot and sexy. Well I head out to help my dad with the gators and the first guy I'm greeted by is Tre. Tre is a cousin on my dads side. He taught me how to wrestle gators at 11 which my dad really didn't approve of at the time. "Hey tre" I say an I hug him. "Have you seen my dad?" "Yeah he's in the gator pit. Why?" He asks. "Ashley has VIP passes for The Band Perry and she's taking me with sense she's off that day." I reply.

-At the mall-

*Ashley's POV*

I watched as Saige tried on dress after dress after dress. I watched her model in a brown fringe leather dress. "Perfect dress, Reid's eyes will be all over you with it" I tell her. "I really love it and known Reid loves leather I'm gonna buy it." She says.

*Saige's POV*

So we go up and pay for it. And head out to my 2012 Chevy Sliverado So what's up with you and Paul?" I ask Ash. "What do you mean by what's up with Paul and I?" Ashley says a little defensive. I just laugh and climb in and close the door. Ashley does the same thing. I start the truck and turn on the radio and the sound of FGL's "This Is How We Roll" fills the truck. Ashley and I sing 🎶 This is how we roll. We hanging round singing out everything on the radio. We light it up with our hands up. This is how we roll. This is how we do. We're burning down the night shooting bullets at the moon baby. This is how we roll. 🎶 really loud. Both of us girls are proud of our Florida native Brian Kelley for making it big in country music.

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