Living on the bus

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-4 months later-

*Reid's POV*

Saige and I have find out we're expecting twins a boy and a girl. We have named them Hogan Ian and Bella Sky. Yes Kim, Neil, mama, and papa know about it. No I haven't made it public yet. And of course Neil, mama, and papa more than excited to meet them. Kim on the other hand is a little ticked known we didn't wait until marriage but I deep down that my older sister is happy for us, I hope. I'm also having to go get or make whatever Sagie is craving. Oh the joys of having a pregnant girlfriend but hey I love her.

*Saige's POV*

I'm just laying on the tour bus couch eating pretzel sticks and flavored marshmallows and watching CMT with Fluffy by my feet. Oh just the normal daily cravings. I text Ashley and tell her Reid and I are having twins we're naming them Hogan Ian and Bella Sky. Her reply is more excitement than words cause she calls me freaking out about it. I laugh and say "nice to know you, dad, and the whole crew is excited for me." Ashley and I talk and about 2 hours later we finish our convo. So I'm just being lazy and having fluffy keep me company when they are performing. I'm watching Jeff Dunham: Arguing With Myself laughing my butt off as Reid comes in. I smile at him and he asks me if I need anything. I tell him I'm fine as of right now. He leans down and kisses me and he puts a hand on my pregnant stomach. "I love you and love the twins too." He says. I kisses him lightly back and say "we love you too." He retreats to the back lounge of the bus. I hear him playing his bass. I turn down the tv and realize it's the bass line to DLMBL so I just quietly hum while playing with Fluffy. I listen to Reid playing his bass and think how did I get so lucky. I knew Reid could've had any girl but he chose me. I smile at Fluffy and think bout how were gonna raise the kids and known Reid will be on the road when they are born. Reid's voice rips me from my thoughts "thinking of something good" he says. "Just the future and known once we confirm we are going to be parents I know fans will want to meet them." I tell him. "Don't think to far and no don't worry about the fans they won't even know until like the last days of your pregnancy. Giving you a stress free pregnancy cause are fans can be a little crazy and hate people." He says. I go an say something but Fluffy barks and is by the door. Reid goes and tells the driver to pull over so we can let Fluffy out. So the driver pulls over I hook up Fluffy and take her out.

-Back at Ft. Lauderdale-

*Ashleys POV*

I talk with my girly to know how everything's going I see her text "boy and gir" I'm so excited I can't control it so I call her and I discover the girl will be Bella Sky and the boy will be Brantley Reid. Of course known the guys middle name came from daddy's first name is just darling. We talk gosh I miss having her here but I know she did the right thing by moving in/ traveling with them. I finish talking to Saige and decide to call Jimmy and just chat. So i phone him and he picks up. I fill him in on everything with Saige. We talk it over and think it's a great idea to surprise her. As I'm talking with Jimmy I check out The Fans Perry website and realize the have aother Florida show next month so I place a order of tickets for Jimmy and I. I tell him that it's Ormond Beach i also tell him that we'll travel up there the day before and we'll use my fiancé's sweet new ride known Saige doesn't know he has a RAM 1500 that's lifted.

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