Part Eleven

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"Okay, I think that to celebrate we should go out today what do you think?" Katya says, wiping Saffron of the muck she somehow managed to smear over her face like a mask. "Yeah!" Saffron giggles, now using the dirty cloth to smudge Katya's trademark lipstick across her face. "Where might you want to go, pumpkin?" Katya asks, finally managing to battle the cloth off of Saffron and chucking it haphazardly towards the washing basket.

"I don't know, mama." Saffron replies sadly. "I've never been anywhere before." Katya sighs softly her on the counter and looks into her eyes, "Well, have you ever been trampolining because I've been trying to convince your mummy to go for ages but she says it's for kids."

"That sounds so fun!" Saffron smiles. "Ok good, let's go upstairs and ask mommy if that's alright with her, shall we?" Katya says, already running up the stairs and holding her hand out for Saff to grab.

Katya knocks on the master bedroom's door and slowly pushes it open to find the main room empty and the en-suite door open just a crack. "Stay here." She whispers to Saffron, patting her on the head.

"Trix?" She says, pushing the door open completely only to find a pale looking Trixie sitting by the toilet.
"Babe, what's going on?" Katya asks, immediately dropping down to Trixie's level and adjusting their positions so that Trixie's head is laying on her bony lap.

"I have no idea, Kat. It's been happening every morning for a couple of days now but it goes away roughly ten minutes after it starts so any minute now I'll be right as rain again." Trixie explains, missing out a major aspect that could lead to a possible answer. "But кукла, this can't be normal! It's never happened to me and I've got years on you." Katya jokes trying to lighten the mood. "I have something that I need to tell you later but for now, what did you come up here for in the first place!" Trixie quickly changes the subject.

"Oh yeah, Saff come here please!" Katya shouts causing Trixie to cover her ears jokingly. They both sit up and turn in the direction of the fast paced padding they can hear from across the room.

"Mummy, Mama said that we should do something to celebrate everything that's happened and so she suggested going to the trampoline park!" Saffron says jumping about excitedly. Katya turns her head to whisper in Trixie's ear. "If you don't feel up to it then we can do something less fast paced, babe."

"I practiced this last night so let me just try it now." Trixie says, visibly perking up by the second. "я буду в порядке." She states with a grin. "это было здорово!" Katya says smiling. "Just remember to put the emphasis on the unusual part on the word."

"Did you say something with great in it just then?" Trixie asks, slightly tilting her head in thought. "Yeah!" Katya grins. "I said 'that was great!'"

"Mama, teach me something!" Saffron asks loudly, clearly tired of the lack of attention she was currently getting. "Maybe later, Saffy." Katya says tickling her sides. Saffron screams and kicks until Katya finally lets go and turns to Trixie. "Are you going to be alright?" She asks looking her in the eye. "I already am just being with you." She says softly, refusing to break eye contact.

"Shall we go then!"

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