Part Eight

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Anna- for future reference Trixie is Mommy and Katya is Moma for your sake and for mine.
I also felt like this episode of UNHhhh relates to this story.X

"Wake up Kat! The adoption person is coming today so we've got to clean the house." Trixie says, shaking her gently.

Katya has been frequenting Trixie's more and more often although she had never slept over until last night. Trixie was so nervous about meeting the inspector that she wouldn't let Katya leave when she had originally tried.

"Huh?"Katya says, rubbing her eyes so that she could see the beautiful woman leaning over her. "what is it, doll?"

Katya sits up suddenly after hearing a high pitched squeal coming from down the hall. "Ah. Suddenly I'm beginning to recall." She chuckles gently.

They both swing their legs around to hop out of the bed and see what was causing the racket.

"Good morning, pumpkin!" Trixie says softly as to keep her anxious headache to a minimum. "Morning!" Saffron giggles back loudly, still blissfully unaware of the pain caused by a simple headache.

"So Saffy, What's got you this exited anyway?" Katya  asks, bending down to her level in order to brush the child's unruly bed head out from her eyes. "Nothing really." She starts."I just had a bad dream where nobody saved me and then I woke up and remembered I have my Moma and Mommy to keep me safe now and it just made me really sad and then I was happy and...and..." She struggles to finish her sentence as her emotions build up and she pulls her  new family into a tight hug, almost as though they might vanish into thin air at any moment.

Trixie bends down to match the other girls' height, "Well we're here now and that's all that matters." She reassures the sniffling child. "Now, shall we go downstairs and grab some breakfast before the nice inspector comes to visit?"

Katya rubs Saffron's back once more before standing up and grabbing her hand. "Come on! I'll let you have cookie crisp." She promises to which Saffron speeds up notably.

Downstairs in the kitchen Saffron chomps on her cereal as Trixie struggles to keep the mess coming out of the child's mouth to a minimum.

"What time is the special person coming?" Saffron asks with a mouth full of cookie crisp. "In about an hour so eat up fast munchkin because we still have to get you washed and I have to wash and then double-triple check that the house is perfectly little girl safe for when the inspector arrives." Trixie says, bopping Saffron on the nose as a distraction from the anxiety that is currently consuming her.

Just as Trixie was finishing wiping Saffron's sticky fingers, Katya prances into the room and swoops the child up onto her shoulders. "Hey! Will you please be careful with Saffy she's fragile!" Trixie says nervously before getting an adamant "no I'm not!" From Saffron and a "see, she said she's not!" From Katya.

"Okay fine, anyway I was just about to send out a search party for you! How come you took so long in the shower?" Trixie asks, poking Katya in the belly. "I was just busy making myself look extra sexy for the inspector." Katya smirks, wiggling her eyebrows flirtatiously.
"Ew.Jesus.Gross." Trixie says giggling before leaving to get in the shower, feeling the time until the inspector arrives steadily running out.

Just as they're putting the last touches on their already immaculate living room, the door bell rings and all three of them spring to attention as Trixie quickly shuffles to the door.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

Anna- oof i'm in love with the cliffhangers hehe. X

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