Part four

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Trixie hears a knock at the door just as she is tying the last bit of Saffron's dirty shoe.

"We'll definitely need to be getting you some new ones of those won't we?" Trixie says as she stands up to open the door. "Yeah!" Saffron says absentmindedly playing with one of Trixie's barbies.

Trixie is known for her 'life in plastic' aesthetic and loves to collect Barbies as well as almost all of her clothes being pink. She even has a pink car almost identical to Barbie's and a pink G wagon that she adores.

"Hey!" Trixie says opening the door to kiss Katya on the cheek and let her into the house.

Katya gasps and bends down to be eye level with the tiny blonde in front of her.

"Hi, I'm Katya, one of Trixie's friends"
she says reaching out a hand for saffron to shake. Saffron shyly takes Katya's hand and says "I'm Saffron but you can call me Saff or Saffy if you like." She says quickly gaining confidence.

"Well Saffy, should we get going then?" Katya says with a smile. "Yeah let's go!" Saffron yells running towards the G wagon. "Oh you prefer that one, eh?" Trixie says.  "Me too." Katya whispers in Saffron's ear causing her to giggle in response.

Trixie smiles and unlocks the car whilst Katya takes the childs seat out of her car for Saffron that Trixie told her to bring.

"Okay, hop in missy!" Katya says and Saffron quickly obliges.

"You did good Trix." Katya says, looking her in the eye. "So did you, babe." Trixie replies giving her a kiss on the cheek as they start their drive to the mall.

The mall is almost empty although Trixie is still anxious of Saffron getting lost in this large space that she doesn't know her way around.

"Calm down Hun it'll be fine." Katya says confidently to Trixie, putting saffron in between them so that they can both hold her hand to stop her from running off on her own.

"Ok." Trixie says, taking a deep breath out and letting her anxieties go with it.

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